Posts Tagged ‘dry skin’

Skin Cell Turnover and Exfoliating Your Skin Safely

Written by Rachelle at Vivoderm on . Posted in Fundamentals, Natural Skincare, Skin and Tips

Understanding Exfoliation

Your skin undergoes a natural turnover cycle every 30 days or so. When this happens, the upper layer of your skin (epidermis) sheds, revealing new skin from the middle layer of your skin (dermis).

However, the cell turnover cycle isn’t always so clear-cut. Sometimes, dead skin cells don’t fully shed, leading to flaky skin, dry patches, and clogged pores. You can help your body shed these cells through exfoliation.

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the outer layers of the skin with a substance or tool known as an exfoliator. Exfoliators come in many forms, from chemical treatments to brushes.

It can be also beneficial for removing dry or dull skin, increasing blood circulation, and brightening and improving your skin’s appearance.

There are different methods for exfoliation. Your skin type should determine which method you use and how often you exfoliate. For certain skin conditions, including rosacea, exfoliation isn’t usually recommended.

What to use to exfoliate

There are different methods and tools to exfoliate skin. Facial scrubs and brushes are forms of mechanical, or physical, exfoliation. Acids and skin peels are forms of chemical exfoliation.


  • Exfoliating brush. This is usually a bristle brush used on the face or body to remove layers of dead skin cells. Some are designed for dry brushing. Others can be used with your facial cleanser or body wash.
  • Exfoliation sponge. These are a gentler way to exfoliate skin. You can lather an exfoliating sponge with warm water, soap, or body wash in the shower.
  • Exfoliating glove. If you find brushes or sponges difficult to grip, you can use a glove. Lather it with soap or body wash in the shower. They can be effective for large areas such as legs or arms.
  • Exfoliating scrub. This can be applied directly to the skin using a gentle, circular motion. You can wash your skin with warm water after applying the scrub.


Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). Examples of AHAs include glycolic, lactic, tartaric, and citric acids. These work by breaking apart bonds holding dull and dead skin cells on your skin’s surface. This will cause your skin to naturally shed dead particles.

Beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs). Examples of BHAs include beta hydroxyl and salicylic acid. These may be better for acne-prone skin.

How to exfoliate your skin by skin type

When mechanically exfoliating, it’s important to be gentle on your skin. You can make small, circular motions using your finger to apply a scrub or use your exfoliating tool of choice.

If you use a brush, make short, light strokes. Exfoliate for about 30 seconds and then rinse off with lukewarm — not hot — water. Avoid exfoliating if your skin has cuts, open wounds, or is sunburned. Apply moisturizer with SPF after exfoliating.

Dry skin

Exfoliation is important for dry or flaky skin. Avoid mechanical exfoliation on dry skin, because the process is drying and it can lead to microtears. AHAs are effective for dry skin.

Glycolic acid will help remove dead cells sitting on the surface of the skin and encourage healthy skin turnover. Follow up with an SPF and moisturizer after using glycolic acid. It can make the skin more prone to sun damage.

Sensitive skin

Avoid scrubbing or using mechanical methods of exfoliation. These will irritate your skin further and can lead to redness.

Use a mild chemical exfoliator and apply with a gentle washcloth. For acne, you can also try a salicylic acid peel at your dermatologist’s office.

Oily skin

Oily or thicker skin can benefit from manual exfoliation and brushing. Oily skin may have an extra layer of buildup on the surface that manual exfoliation can remove. Gently use an exfoliator or scrub in circular motions for best results.

Normal skin

If your skin doesn’t have any complications, you can choose any method of exfoliation. Manual and chemical exfoliation are both safe for this skin type. You may need to experiment to find out which method works best for your skin.

Combination skin

Combination skin may require a mix of mechanical and chemical exfoliation. Never use both on the same day as it can irritate skin. If your skin feels dry after exfoliation, use a moisturizer immediately after.

Exfoliation by body part

Take care when exfoliating sensitive areas of the body, including the face. Exfoliating these areas too often can lead to dryness, redness, and itchiness.


The type of exfoliant to use on your face depends on your skin type. To exfoliate your face mechanically with a scrub, apply gently to the skin with a finger. Rub in small, circular motions. Rinse with lukewarm water.

For a chemical exfoliant that’s a liquid, apply with a cotton pad or washcloth. Work with a dermatologist to determine which type of exfoliation is safe for your skin.

Arms and legs

The easiest way to exfoliate your arms and legs is with a brush, sponge, or glove. This can help get rid of dead skin cells and stimulate circulation. Look for a body scrub at your local pharmacy or online and lather with it in the shower. You can also try dry brushing.

Feet and hands

There are scrubs and peels available to exfoliate feet and hands. You can also use a pumice stone to exfoliate feet.


You can use a loofah or body brush to exfoliate your body and bikini area. Always do this in a warm shower to soften skin first. Use any device or scrub gently and wash thoroughly afterward.


How often should you exfoliate? 

How often to exfoliate depends on your skin type and the type of exfoliation you’re using. Some chemical exfoliants can be strong, for example. In general, exfoliating skin one to two times a week is enough to be effective for dry skin.

Oily skin may require more frequent exfoliation. Avoid over-exfoliating as it can lead to redness and irritation. Talk to your dermatologist if you need help figuring out how often it’s safe for you to exfoliate.

Exfoliating benefits

The benefits of exfoliation include:

  • removing dead skin cells
  • improving circulation
  • encouraging skin turnover, resulting in brighter skin
  • allowing for better absorption of moisturizers and serums

When to stop exfoliating 

Stop exfoliating if you notice your skin is red, inflamed, peeling, or irritated. Avoid exfoliation if you also use certain medications or acne products, including retinol and benzoyl peroxide. It may make your skin worse or lead to breakouts.

Know your skin type

Creative beauty collage - face parts of different ethnicity women by skin type

Creative beauty collage – various skin types

Before choosing an exfoliator, it’s important to know what type of skin you have. Keep in mind that your skin type can change with age, weather changes, and lifestyle factors, such as smoking.

There are five major skin types:

  • Dry. This skin type is more likely to have dry patches and requires more moisture. You probably notice that your skin gets even dryer in cold, dry weather.
  • Combination. This skin type isn’t dry, but it isn’t all-out oily, either. You may have an oily T-zone (nose, forehead, and chin) and dryness around your cheeks and jawline. Combination skin is the most common skin type.
  • Oily. This skin type is characterized by excess sebum, the natural oils produced by the sebaceous glands underneath your pores. This often leads to clogged pores and acne.
  • Sensitive. This type of skin is easily irritated by fragrances, chemicals, and other synthetic materials. You can have sensitive skin that’s also dry, oily, or combination.
  • Normal. This type of skin doesn’t have any dryness, oiliness, or sensitivity. It’s pretty rare, as most people’s skin has at least some oiliness or dryness.

You can see a dermatologist or esthetician to help you determine your skin type. You can also do it at home by following these steps:

  1. Wash your face, making sure to remove any makeup well.
  2. Dry your face, but don’t apply any toner or moisturizer.
  3. Wait one hour and then gently dab a tissue over different parts of your face.

Here’s what you’re looking for:

  • If the tissue absorbs oil over your entire face, then you have oily skin.
  • If the tissue only absorbs oil in certain areas, you have combination skin.
  • If the tissue doesn’t have any oil, you have either normal or dry skin.
  • If you have any scaly or flaky areas, you have dry skin.

While it might seem like dry skin is the only type that would have flakes of dead skin cells, this can happen with any skin type. So even if you find some flakes, you’ll want to use an exfoliator that’s best suited for your skin type.

Chemical exfoliation

While it sounds harsh, chemical exfoliation is actually the gentlest exfoliation method. Still, make sure you follow all of the manufacturer’s instructions because you can easily overdo it.

Alpha hydroxy acids

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are plant-based ingredients that help to dissolve dead skin cells on the surface of your face. They work best for dry to normal skin types.

Common AHAs include:

Note, if you’ve never used AHAs, consider starting with a product that just contains one AHA so you can track how your skin reacts to specific ones.

Beta hydroxy acids

Beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) remove dead skin cells from deep in your pores, which can help to reduce break outs. They’re a good option for oily and combination skin as well as skin that has acne scars or sun spots.

One of the best-known BHAs is salicylic acid, which you can find in many drugstore exfoliators.


Enzyme peels contain enzymes, usually from fruits, that remove dead skin cells on your face. Unlike AHAs or BHAs, enzyme peels won’t increase cellular turnover, meaning it won’t expose a fresh layer of skin. This makes them an especially good option for people with sensitive skin.

Mechanical exfoliation

Mechanical exfoliation works by physically removing dead skin rather than dissolving it. It’s less gentle than chemical exfoliation and works best for normal to oily skin. Avoid using mechanical exfoliation on sensitive or dry skin.


Exfoliating powders, like our herbal facial mask (Anti-Aging and Acne) use fine particles to both absorb oil and remove dead skin. To use it, mix the powder with some water until it forms a paste that you can custom-blend to your skin type and needs. For stronger results or spot treatments, use less water to create a thicker paste.

Dry brushing

Dry brushing involves using soft bristles to brush dead skin cells away. Use a small brush with natural bristles, and gently brush damp skin in small circles for up to 30 seconds. You should only use this method on skin that’s free of any small cuts or irritation.


If you’re one of the lucky few with normal skin, you may be able to exfoliate just by drying your face with a washcloth. After washing your face, gently move a soft washcloth in small circles to remove dead skin cells and dry your face.


What not to use

Regardless of your skin type, avoid exfoliators that contain irritating or coarse particles, which can injure your skin. When it comes to exfoliation, not all products are created equal. Many scrubs that have exfoliants in them are too harsh for your skin.

Stay away from exfoliators that contain:

  • sugar
  • beads
  • nut shells
  • microbes
  • coarse salt
  • baking soda

Important safety tips

Exfoliation usually leaves you with smoother, softer skin. To maintain these results, make sure you follow up with a good moisturizer that’s best for your skin type.

If you have dry skin, opt for a cream moisturizer, which is richer than a lotion one. If you have combination or oily skin, look for a light, oil-free lotion or gel-based moisturizer.

While you probably already know about the importance of wearing sunscreen, it’s even more important if you’ve been exfoliating.

Acids and mechanical exfoliation remove a full layer of skin from your face. The newly exposed skin is very sensitive to sunlight and much more likely to burn. Try to use a natural mineral-based sunscreen with ZINC or TITANIUM OXIDES, like the Vivoderm Zinc Repairing Facial Moisturizer which doubles as a moisturizer with 25%SPF.

In addition, you should be extra cautious with exfoliation if you have:

  • an active acne breakout
  • an underlying condition that causes lesions on your face, such as cold sores
  • rosacea
  • warts

Finally, before trying any new product on your skin, do a small patch test first. Apply a little bit of the new product to a small area of your body, like the inside of your arm. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and removal.

If you don’t notice any signs of irritation after 24 hours, you can try using it on your face.

The bottom line

Proper exfoliation is effective in removing dead skin from your face. This will leave you with smoother, softer skin. If you wear makeup, also notice that exfoliation helps it to go on more evenly.

Just make sure you start slow to determine which products and types of exfoliants your skin can handle, and always follow up with moisturizer and sunscreen!

The Benefits of Marshmallow Herbs for Skincare

Written by Rachelle at Vivoderm on . Posted in Acne, Anti-Aging, Face Masks, Herbal Treatments, Ingredients

The Benefits of Using Marshmallow Root for Skincare

When you think of marshmallow, you might picture a sweet treat toasted over a campfire. But in the world of skincare, *Althaea officinalis*, commonly known as marshmallow root, is an herb that has been used for centuries to soothe, heal, and rejuvenate the skin. Marshmallow root is packed with benefits, making it a go-to ingredient in natural and herbal skincare routines. Here’s a closer look at why this powerful herb is a must-have for your skin.

You can find Marshmallow Root and Flowers used in the Vivoderm Herbal Facial Masks – both for Acne and Mature Skin! (Anti-Aging)

  1. Deeply Hydrates and Moisturizes

One of the primary benefits of marshmallow root for skincare is its ability to provide deep hydration. The root is rich in mucilage, a gel-like substance that forms when it comes into contact with water. This mucilage creates a protective barrier on the skin, helping to lock in moisture and prevent dehydration. If you have dry or sensitive skin, using products with marshmallow root can help alleviate dryness, leaving your skin soft, smooth, and plump.

  1. Soothes Irritated Skin

Marshmallow root has anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent remedy for soothing irritated skin. Whether you’re dealing with redness, rashes, eczema, or dermatitis, marshmallow root can calm irritation and reduce inflammation. Its natural ability to cool and soothe the skin makes it perfect for those with sensitive or reactive skin types. It can also be helpful for those with acne-prone skin by reducing the swelling and discomfort that often accompanies breakouts.

  1. Heals Wounds and Reduces Scarring

    Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) is a natural healing process.

The healing properties of marshmallow root are well-documented in herbal medicine. It’s been used traditionally to treat wounds, burns, and insect bites. Its high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds accelerate the healing process, making it a great addition to skincare formulations aimed at repairing damaged skin. Additionally, it can help reduce the appearance of scars and improve overall skin texture by encouraging the regeneration of healthy skin cells.

  1. Fights Signs of Aging

Another significant benefit of marshmallow root is its anti-aging properties. The antioxidants present in the root help fight off free radicals, which can cause premature aging. By neutralizing these harmful molecules, marshmallow root can help prevent fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Its ability to maintain skin hydration also plays a role in keeping the skin looking youthful and supple. As part of a regular skincare routine, marshmallow root can contribute to a more radiant and youthful complexion.

  1. Balances the Skin’s pH

Maintaining the skin’s pH balance is crucial for preventing irritation, dryness, and breakouts. Marshmallow root has a natural pH that is very similar to the skin’s own, making it an ideal ingredient for maintaining this balance. When used in toners, creams, or serums, it can help restore the skin’s natural pH, leading to healthier, more resilient skin.

  1. Protects the Skin Barrier

The outermost layer of your skin, known as the stratum corneum, acts as a barrier that protects your skin from environmental stressors like pollution, UV rays, and harsh weather. Over time, the skin barrier can become compromised, leading to dryness, sensitivity, and inflammation. Marshmallow root’s mucilage not only helps keep the skin hydrated but also reinforces the skin barrier, improving its resilience against these external factors.

  1. Gentle on All Skin Types

One of the best aspects of marshmallow root is that it’s suitable for all skin types. Its gentle nature makes it particularly beneficial for sensitive skin, but its moisturizing and soothing properties can benefit anyone. Whether you have oily, dry, or combination skin, marshmallow root offers a range of benefits without causing irritation or clogging pores. It’s also hypoallergenic, meaning it’s unlikely to cause allergic reactions, making it safe even for the most sensitive of users.

  1. Enhances Skin Elasticity

With consistent use, marshmallow root can improve skin elasticity. The antioxidants and polysaccharides found in the herb encourage collagen production, helping the skin maintain its firmness and elasticity. This is especially important as we age, as the natural decline in collagen production can lead to sagging skin and the formation of wrinkles.

How to Incorporate Marshmallow Root into Your Skincare Routine

There are several ways to reap the benefits of marshmallow root in your skincare routine. Look for creams, serums, and toners that contain marshmallow root extract as a key ingredient. You can find Marshmallow Root and Flowers used in the Vivoderm Herbal Facial Masks – both for Acne and Mature Skin! (Anti-Aging)

For those who prefer DIY skincare, marshmallow root can be made into a hydrating toner or mask by mixing powdered marshmallow root with water or aloe vera gel.

Marshmallow root is more than just a sweet-sounding herb – it’s a powerhouse ingredient that can transform your skin. From hydrating and soothing to anti-aging and healing, this natural remedy offers a wide array of benefits that cater to all skin types. Incorporating marshmallow root into your skincare routine can help you achieve soft, balanced, and radiant skin, all while nourishing your skin from the inside out. Whether you’re dealing with dryness, irritation, or signs of aging, marshmallow root is a gentle yet effective solution to many common skin concerns.

Treating Skin With Avocado Oil

Written by Author on . Posted in Anti-Aging, Herbal Treatments, Natural Skincare, Recent Articles

As the end of summer officially draws to a close, many of us will be putting away those warm weather sandals and tank tops and replacing them with cool weather gear that covers and protects our skin. But no mater what part of the country you live in – warm or cold, there are still plenty of reasons to keep using your moisturizers to help your skin stay hydrated and soft.

Vivoderm Natural Skincare prides itself on using the bVivoderm Body Butter with Avocado Oilest natural ingredients it can source in all of it’s skincare products. One of those key moisturizing ingredients is Avocado oil. We use it in our Body Butter and Foot Cream as well as our Anti Wrinkle Treatment.

Avocado oil is an exclusive oil that has the capacity to enter the upper skin layers. It is valuable for its effects on wrinkled and dry skin and it is also a great oil for diaper rash. It contains high amounts of mono-saturated fatty acids and vitamins as wells as anti-oxidants and Omega 3’s. Avocado oil is extracted from the flesh of the fruit by the cold extraction method. Hence, the oil retains all the aroma and flavor, nutritional value, making it absolutely ideal for skin healing and hydration.

There are many skin care benefits that you can receive by including avocado oil in your daily regimen. If you have blemished or sun damaged skin, thanks to it’s high vitamin content avocado oil can help you to reduce and reverse blemishes. Vitamins A,E,D, B1, B2 and K are beneficial for all over skin and body health. Avocado oil contains high doses of Omega-3s, which are highly effective in protecting the skin from UV rays, therefore decreasing the chance of being sunburned, preventing the appearance of age spots and reducing the risk of skin cancer.

Scientific studies have recently shown how important collagen is for Vivoderm Avocado Skincarekeeping your skin firm and youthful. Collagen is the main structural protein in various connective tissues in our bodies and skin. As we age, the collagen tissues flatten and stretch – causing wrinkles and sagging skin.

Avocado oil has been shown to help increase collagen production naturally. It aids in hydrating and plumping up skin cells and forms a natural cushion to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and other signs of aging.  It can be used, as a very effective and natural skin moisturizer. Avocado oil penetrates to the deep layers of the skin and stimulates collagen production therefore, improving the softness and elasticity of the skin and reducing it’s dryness. Avocado oil can be also beneficial for people with such skin conditions as psoriasis and eczema, relieving the itchiness of the skin.

So, if you want your skin to have more firmness and a smooth appearance, you will get excellent results with products that contain Avocado oil. Using avocado oil separately can be beneficial but when it is combined in a lotion or cream then its effects can be enhanced greatly to help treat dry skin and signs of aging.

Vivoderm makes a highly effective foot cream and Chamomile body butter which is ideal for treating dry, cracked feet and scaly skin. The thick and rich texture leaves your feet and body smooth and soft. Our Anti Wrinkle treatment with natural avocado oil, will reduced wrinkles and your increase collagen production.

So, if you are looking for a great skin moisturizer to help transition your feet, body and face from summer to fall and into winter – give Vivoderm a try!

Sweet Almond Oil In Skin Care Products

Written by Author on . Posted in Anti-Aging, Fundamentals, Herbal Treatments, Home Treatments, Ingredients, Natural Skincare, Recent Articles, Skin and Tips

Sweet Almond Oil is an ingredient commonly found in natural skin care products with a wide array of uses. Almond oil is typically used as a base, blended with water or hydrosols, to create skin creams, lotions and other skin care products. Almond oil also used as carrier oil for mixing or diluting pure essential oils. It is extremely beneficial for the skin. It is great for all skin types and helps in easing itching, irritation and dryness. It can be blended for aromatherapy as massage oil – easing muscle pain and inflammation. It is inexpensive and is absorbed in the skin fairly quickly and works well for all skin types.

Natural Almond Oil consists of Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins A, B, D and E that improves the skin health to a great extent. Personal care therapists use it for pedicures and manicures as it aids in softening the skin. This oil has also been used effectively for reducing stretch marks. It can be used for face massages which will help to enhance your complexion and reduce dry skin and fine lines. Facial creams that contain Almond Oil soften the skin and reduce wrinkles and dry patches. Due to the high vitamin content, you can also use this oil for reducing under eye dark circles.

Natural ingredients to promote healthy skin

Natural ingredients to promote healthy skin

Sweet Almonds are the almonds that we typically eat. The almonds are pressed – much like olives – to create the oil, which can then be used as a skin care ingredient or even for culinary uses. Contrary to popular knowledge, the almond is not a nut but actually a drupe, or what is called a “stone fruit,” like a peach that grows with a soft fleshy outer shell surrounding a hard inner shell with a seed inside. Presently, the largest producer of almonds is USA, most of which comes from the state of California. Spain too is known for its high quality almonds.

Among different natural skin products almond oil is one of the best natural moisturizers to help nourish and soften the skin. Almond oils act as a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. By helping your skin stay healthy you obtain a more youthful look. So, you should always go for a natural skin moisturizer that contains sweet almond oil or a similar natural oil, like jojoba or coconut, etc.

Vivoderm is dedicated to creating the most natural products containing the purest ingredients. We use almond oil along with many other natural oils in almost all of our natural face and body creams, including our Intense Moisturizer, Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream and Body Butters. All designed to moisturize dehydrated skin and provide a boost of natural vitamins to help make a more beautiful and healthy you!

Uses of Glycerin in Natural Skin Care

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glycerinPopularly referred as glycerol, glycerin is an odorless, sweet tasting liquid which is utilized in different beauty and cosmetic products. It is highly popular because of the different advantages that it can offer for natural skin care. It is obtained from a mix of fat that is obtained from water and vegetable oil.

Glycerin has water-drawing capacity and is non-toxic in character. It draws moisture in the skin and lets it stay nourished and moisturized. It is safe for using in skin care products and used for babies and children. It is a versatile component as it never loses its chemical constancy when combined with other elements.

Glycerin is known for its various advantages that it offers for treating dry skin. It protects chapped skin and aids in creating a smooth skin layer. It draws adequate quantity of moisture that is needed for moisturizing dry skin. This ingredient is used in soaps, creams and body lotions. It is very mild and has no side-effects. It also helps in reducing skin problems like eczema and psoriasis.

Even those with oily skin can use moisturizers or a cleansers containing glycerin without excess drying effects that other products may produce. Glycerin has the capacity to reduce the emergence of fine lines and wrinkles and helps in guarding against bacterial infections. You can use glycerin or products with glycerin on a regular basis to keep skin plump and moisturized.

Many of the Vivoderm facial creams and body creams contain glycerin; including the Cocoa Butter Foot Cream, Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream and Intense Moisturizer among others.  If you are looking for natural products with glycerin that combat acne, try Vivoderm’s Zinc Repairing face cream. It helps to retain the skin’s moisture and reduce the signs of aging thanks to natural sunblock properties that reduces wrinkles and sun damage. Fifteen percent zinc also aids to reduce acne breakouts and heal acne scars.

Coconut Oil and Natural Skincare

Written by Rachelle at Vivoderm on . Posted in Fundamentals, Natural Skincare

This week marks the official start of fall. This might make some of you happy and others sad. So as the summer draws to a close, we transition from hot, humid days, to cooler, dry temperatures. Our summer clothing will go to the back of the closet and slowly be replaced with cozy sweaters and boots.  And like our clothing, our skincare products should also be rotated to reflect the changing climate and needs.

One of the best transitional skincare ingredients is COCONUT OIL. Many of you may have been using this wonderful oil all summer for light hydration and summer sunning. The unmistakable aroma of coconut embodies the summer experience of relaxation, while the silky texture feels like pure indulgence as it sinks into your skin.

Coconut oil for skin hydration and healing

Coconut Oil provides excellent healing and hydration for skin all year round

COCOS NUCIFERA, as the coconut is scientifically known, was believed to have originated in the tropics of the South Pacific, but managed to spread across the globe thanks to its very useful ability to float. Over time and across the oceans, the nut washed ashore to other similar climates, allowing the natives to use the seed, nut and palm for numerous dietary, medicinal and practical purposes. The coconut fruit offers more than just a relaxing experience. As one of nature’s most nourishing fruits, coconut can revitalize skin from the outside and inside.

Used in combination with other rich emollients, coconut oil, provides the perfect base for your skincare needs in cooler weather. Using coconut oil in your diet, helps to strengthen the connective tissues in the skin and keep it pliable and smooth. You can get the beneficial antioxidant properties by  using coconut oil in your salad dressing or cooking as wells as drinking coconut water. Both help the skin prevent infection, increase radiance and fight free radicals.

Coconut oil contains mostly fats, which make it ideal for skincare treatments. Acting  as an emollient that naturally softens, restores and moisturizes.  It also helps protect the skin for the aging effects of free-radicals.


  • Forms a protective barrier against moisture-loss and re-hydrates the skin cells
  • Prevents brittle, dry hair, hydrates the scalp and limits breakage
  • Helps heal chronic dermatitis and psoriasis – reducing inflammation and itching
  • Reduces scarring caused by acne or skin eruptions
  • Eliminates dead skin cells and reduces flaking, improving the quality and appearance of skin

Modern biochemists also consider coconut oil to be an antioxidant due to its stability and resistance to oxidation and free radical formulation.  Extra virgin coconut oil is the preferred ingredient in the Vivoderm skincare products for dry to extremely dry skin, such as our INTENSE MOISTURIZER, CHAMOMILE BODY BUTTER AND ANTI AGING EYE CREAM.

As the temperature cools, the humidity drops and pulls more moisture from your skin than in the summer months. Re-hydrating is crucial to keeping your skin soft and plump.


After each bath or shower, be sure to re-hydrate your skin with an all-over body butter or lotion; this will prevent dry flaking and scaling skin. Include a super-rich, facial moisturizer and eye cream to your skin care routine each time you wash your face to reduce wrinkles, dryness and flaking and your skin will glowing in no time.

Facial Moisturizing for Summer

Written by Rachelle at Vivoderm on . Posted in Anti-Aging, Fundamentals, Ingredients, Natural Skincare, Products, Recent Articles, Sun Protection

Summer Skin Care

Moisturizing Summer Skin Care

One of the questions we hear the most in the skincare industry is, “Do I still need a facial moisturizer in the warm, summer months?”

The answer is undoubtedly “Yes!”

You want to pay attention to texture and formulations, but ALL skin types – even oily skin – still need to hydrate and moisturize in the summer.

And don’t forget, there IS a difference between body lotions and facial creams – never mix the two.  Heavier formulations of body creams could cause your delicate facial skin to break out or hyper-react.

Let’s break down some of the most common skin types and what  types of moisturizer or facial cream to use.


Most normal skin reflects the changing seasons, loosing hydration and becoming more dry in the winter months and slightly more oily or hydrated when the summer comes.

Excessive indoor heating, warm baths and less humidity during winter months will require heavier, richer facial creams usually blended with a base of oil.  So, alternatively, normal skin will require a lighter moisturizer.  Look for water-based versions or vitamin-rich serums or ceramides.  Ultra-light facial lotions will absorb well into the skin while limiting excess oil production.  Water-based lotions should included natural ingredients calm sun-damaged inflammation, such as chamomile, Calendula and Aloe vera.  Also look for Vitamins E and A for natural anti-aging properties.


Similar to normal skin, but oily in the T-zone, combination skin may require using two different moisturizers if your skin type is very unbalanced.  Stick with the same water-based moisturizer on the whole facial area as for normal skin, but use combinations of herbal properties for the oiler-T-zones of the forehead, nose and chin.  For instance, on the normal-skin areas of the cheeks and neck, use the lighter formulations with natural anti-redness and sun-healing herbs mentioned above like Aloe vera and Calendula or Oatmeal.  Then for the T-zone, choose herbal ingredients that help keep excess oil and breakouts in check – like lavender, rosemary and green tea.


Despite the false myth that oily skin doesn’t need any additional moisture – the opposite is actually true.  Even oily skin responds with more balanced oil production when you ADD moisture.  Choose a lighter Vitamin infused serum or herbal formula that does double duty for oil production and anti-aging including Vitamin E, A, C and Rosemary.


To keep flakiness and wrinkles at bay, dry skin types still demand a heavier version of facial moisturizer for summer – a richer cream vs. a light lotion or serum. You might continue to use the same brand or formulation from your winter skincare routine, but spritz your face first with a refreshing toner or witch hazel to help dilute the cream and increase absorption.  Choose herbal formulas that help your skin fight free-radicals and sun damage with natural Zinc Oxide and Vitamin E and C.

And as always, NO skin care facial routine would be complete without SPF or sun protection.  The Vivoderm Zinc Repairing Facial Cream combines natural Zinc Oxide sun protection with an oil-based moisturizer and natural herbs to provide 15 SPF coverage for your daily routines.  For longer sun exposure, use a higher SFP, like 50-60 when possible.

DERMSTORE Spring 2014 Product Feature

Written by Rachelle at Vivoderm on . Posted in Anti-Aging, Face Masks, Herbal Treatments, Product Reviews, Recent Articles, Vivoderm Press

DERMSTORE Spring 2014 Product Features the Vivoderm Intense Moisturizer and a double package of our Anti-Aging Mask two-package deal.

Dermstore Spring 2014 Cover




“Struggling with extremely dry skin? The Vivoderm Intense Moisturizer offers instant relief, utilizing the repairing soothing and moisturizing powers of chamomile, aloe vera, coconut oil and antioxidants to keep your skin smooth supple and hydrated for up to 12 hours. (1.6oz) $43.95″

 ” The ultimate potion to add to your weekly routine. The Vivoderm Anti-Aging Mask! This 100% natural treatment addresses fine lines, wrinkles and uneven skin tone with powerful botanicals like rosemary, mint and green tea. Just mix it with water, yogurt, aloe vera or any of your favorite oils! (3 pieces).”


Dermstore Spring 2014-Pag 2-Package Deal Dermstore Spring 2014_IM

Winter Skin Care for Dry Skin

Written by Rachelle at Vivoderm on . Posted in Anti-Aging, Fundamentals, Herbal Treatments, Natural Skincare, Recent Articles, Skin and Tips, Sun Protection

WINTER SKIN CARE during the long winter months means your skin needs protection from cold weather and reduced humidity. Switching to winter-friendly products can keep your skin looking healthy and beautiful.  Following are some great tips to keep your skin glowing and healthy all winter long.
winter skin care tips


Proper hydration and water consumption is very important to keeping our bodies healthy and our skin from cracking and itching in low humidity and heated environments. Be sure to drink at least 64oz of water per day. Replacing plain water with herbal teas is also beneficial for the warming properties and natural herbal benefits such as anti- inflammatory Chamomile or tummy-soothing Peppermint. Try to stay away from caffeinated beverages, as these can actually increase dehydration.

Water gives the skin a radiant, healthy, younger looking complexion, reduces wrinkles and allows skin to maintain its elasticity and suppleness. Keeping skin hydrated from the outside in – such as using lotions and skin moisturizers – is commonly needed more often in cold, dry months like winter.


When there is a change of the epidermal (top, exposed layer of skin) barrier and reduced water content in the top layer of skin, moisturizers are a key component of basic skin care. They are used to restore the protective barrier function of the skin, to cover tiny tears or cracks, to provide a soothing protective film and increase the water-content of the epidermis. They may, slow evaporation of the skin’s moisture, thereby maintaining hydration and improving the appearance of dry and aging skin.

Ingredients that aid skin hydration and smoothness are: Aloe Vera, Jojoba oil, Cocoa Butter, Almond Oil, Propylene Glycol, Vitamin E and Hyaluronic Acid.


Water consumption and moisturizing is not the only factor in keeping skin hydrated and moist. Many external elements can be damaging and drying to the skin, such as too-hot baths or showers and keeping your indoor heat on high temperatures.  Also consider using a humidifier in your room or office, since it returns the moisture into the air and help the skin stay hydrated.


During the winter, cold temperatures can lead to dry and cracked skin.  Switch to a mild soap or cream facial cleanser to help keep your skin smooth and soft as opposed to dry and tight after washing.  Products that contain natural moisture such as Aloe vera are also excellent, since they are not harsh on dry, winter skin.
Winter air literally sucks moisture from your skin, so moisturizing is a crucial step in winter skin care.   Even more important to moisturizing is choosing the right product.  Products containing mineral oil, almond oil, or avocado oil work especially well since they keep the skin hydrated without clogging pores.

Moisturizing right after a warm shower will help seal in the water and prevent dry skin.


Just because it is cold outside does not mean you should toss your sunscreen tube.  Even when you can’t feel the heat, the sun is still emitting harmful UVA and UVB rays, so it still important to protect your skin.  Apply a moisturizer that contains an SPF of at least 15, or use products containing zinc oxide, which acts as a natural barrier between your skin and the sun.  Surprisingly, the sun’s reflective power on snow can be as high as 80%, so it is possible to be sunburned after spending a day on the ski slopes without sun protection.

Don’t forget to help your lips battle harsh winter conditions with plenty of lip balm  as well.

Winter skin care may differ from summer skin care in the type of products used, but the regimen for healthy skin is the same year round: cleanse, moisturize and protect.

Natural Skin Care and Foot Cream Cocoa Butter

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Raw organic cocoa butter or cacao butter is a beauty skincare product that contains a large amount of antioxidants. It helps to neutralize a wide range of super-oxides and free radicals. It is infused with Vitamin E which is a strong antioxidant that can easily neutralize oxidizing agents. Cocoa butter also consists of a great amount of Vitamins A and C.

Natural Cocoa Butter for Super Dry Skin
Natural Cocoa Pods for Cocoa Butter

It has been scientifically proven that it helps in preventing skin degradation because of the harmful effects of the ultraviolet sun rays. UV radiation generates free radicals that destroy the skin very easily. But, if you use cocoa butter it can pose to be a great shield against the harmful rays of the sun.

Cocoa butter also consists of an essential amino acid that will aid in your beauty skincare. The butter works from inside out to help you feel and look great. It helps in decreasing skin roughness and scaling and improves vessel function and blood flow. It forms a thin barrier that helps in sealing in the moisture that allows your skin to breathe easily.
It is known to be the ultimate skin moisturizer that helps in keeping your skin soft and supple for a long time. Vivoderm’s foot cream consists of cocoa butter which is a wonderful treatment for tired or scaling feet. It is a highly effective treatment for dry and cracked feet. The light and fluffy texture leaves your feet smooth and fresh and absorbs quickly. So, if you suffer from extremely dry skin on your feet then you should definitely try out Vivoderm’s product.

Herbal Mask Exfoliation: An Essential Part of Your Beauty Routine

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Our bodies replace the old skin cells with new ones. The dying cells create a protective layer which builds up over time and makes a rough layer that hides fresh, new skin. Hence, exfoliation is very important to get rid of the dead skin cells. While exfoliation is an important part of your beauty regimen, however, there is no need to use artificial chemicals for exfoliation process. The Vivoderm Anti-Aging Mask and Anti-Acne Mask make a natural exfoliating scrubs thanks to the 100% blend of pulverized herbs. Always look for skin products that are made from natural ingredients.

Exfoliating with Vivoderm Herbal Facial Masks
Herbals Masks for Exfoliation

One of the easiest ways to make a scrub out of our facial masks is to first, cutsom-blend the mixture that is right for your skin type. If you suffer from super dry skin, you might want to add a dollop of honey or natural oatmeal to your mask. If your skin is oily, the acne-mask supplemented with extra rosemary essentail oil or tea tree oil will help keep your breakouts at bay. Apply them as normal, and instead of letting the mixture dry, just use it as a natural exfoliator, rubbing in gentle, circles around the nose and cheeck area. Remove with a warm, damp cloth. You can use these natural face scrubs twice a week.

You can make these home-made exfoliating face masks that will bring a glow in your skin. Fruits are are also benefical. You can mash ½ cup of fruit such as papaya or banana into the Vivoderm masks. Use this mixture to your skin for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cool water.

While exfoliating, always remember, to be gentle on your skin. The entire process is performed to get rid of the dead skin. The area around your eyes should not be exfoliated because it is a very sensitive, thin area of skin.

Intense Skin Moisturizer For Extra Dry Skin

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Dry skin is a problem that you may face all year round. In addition, your skin can become extremely dry if you are using harsh cosmetic products. So, it becomes essential on your part to treat your extra dry skin so you can get back that soft and smooth skin naturally.

Vivoderm intense moisturizer
vivoderm intense moisturizer

Intense skin moisturizer is designed to reduce water loss from the outermost skin layer. Moreover, to prevent dryness they act as a barrier against dirt and soot that makes your skin pores smaller and provides a feeling of smoothness.

Vivoderm’s intense moisturizer is absolutely ideal for dry skin conditions. This skin care cream is designed to quench dehydrated skin. The moisturizer consists of a combination of vitamins, plants, minerals and anti-oxidants that penetrate the skin for optimal moisturizing. It leaves your skin feeling hydrated for up to 12 hours.

By using Vivoderm’s intense moisturizer regularly you will be able to get back that fresh glow in your skin. Even if you have the driest complexion, you need not worry because this skin moisturizer will treat your skin so to be younger and healthier looking.

DRY SKIN TIP: Besides using this skin cream on a daily basis you must also make sure that you don’t take long hot baths in the winter months. You can try out lukewarm showers so that the natural moisture from your skin is not easily lost. You should also drink lots of water so that you are able to increase the natural moisture level of your body by staying hydrated all day long.

Adding Avocado to the Vivoderm Facial Masks

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We recently got a great tip from one of our clients on adding a tablespoon or so of avocado to the Vivoderm Herbal Facial Masks. What a great idea! Upon further research we learned this about avocado.

Using Avocado with Vivoderm Facial Masks
Avocado in the Vivoderm Mask promotes additional hydration

Avocado is a fruit which has many benefits related to health and beauty. It is considered to be a natural skincare ingredient that helps to reduce scars, age spots and tans. Avocado can also be used for treating skin that has been damaged by excess exposure of the sun. The oil that is extracted from Avocado is rich in Vitamin E, D, and A which is absorbed into the skin very easily. If you have super-dehydrated skin then Avocado oil can be a good additional source of moisture and nourishment. Those with dry skin or those who live in polluted areas will also love this avocado treatment to help heal excessive environmental exposure.

You can prepare the Vivoderm facial mask with avocado right at home. You just need a ripe avocado that has been peeled and mashed or pureed. Blend one half (or as needed) avocado into 1-2 tablespoons of your Vivoderm herbal facial mask using the Vivoderm mask bowl and scoop till it has a smooth texture. If you need more hydration to blend, simply add water or Vivoderm toner. It is easy to use this mixture. Next, simply take a cotton ball or mask brush and then dip it in the mixture. Dab (or brush) the mixture on your face and neck areas. After 20 minutes you can rinse off with warm water and follow with the Vivoderm Natural Facial Toner. Wah-lah! Your skin will be super hydrated, radiant and ready to show off to the world!

And in between mask treatments, don’t forget to use a natural facial cleanser daily to help fight grime and dirt and keep skin clean.

Using Milk As A Natural Facial Cleanser

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Milk is an organic skin softener as well as an exfoliant. It is an ingredient that is used in many skincare products. It is one of the most amazing things that do wonders for your body. It is rich in nutrients and can be used for several purposes. If you want to have a safe product that is effective and cheap then may be it would be better if you consider milk as one of your beauty ingredients. You can prepare your very own facial cleansers with components from your kitchen.

Using powdered milk you can make a paste. Use that mixture on your wet face with lukewarm water. It is a great way to clean your face as it helps to open up the pores and cleanse it thoroughly. You will be able to get rid of the dirt from your face with the milk paste mixture. If you have dry face then you can consider of using cool water instead of lukewarm water.

Making a milk paste mixture is very easy. All you have to do is take 2 tablespoons of powdered milk. Add water to it slowly to form a paste. You may also add a teaspoon of honey into the paste if you want. You can use the paste to your face and apply it in a spherical and upward motion. Let the paste get dry for sometime and then rinse it with water. By using this mixture for a week you will see a definite improvement as dead skin cells will be successfully removed.

Skin Care Tips for Soft and Supple Hands

Written by Rachelle at Vivoderm on . Posted in Herbal Treatments

Hands are the first part of your body that shows signs of aging. Hence, they need quite a lot of pampering so that they remain soft and supple for a long time. Beautiful well kept hands are essential as it tells a alot about how you care for yourself. Dressing up in fancy clothes will be of no use to hide hands that have been negleted.  Taking good care of your hands takes little time and has big rewards.

A few hand care tips can be extremely beneficial for you. The skin on your hand is extremely delicate and thin, hence you need to moisturize your skin at least four times a day. You should use a mild exfoliator on your hands once every week to remove rough spots and calouses. Apply a light moisturizing cream on to your hands every night before going to bed to keep skin soft and supple. If you are going out in the sun apply sunscreen lotion so that your hands don’t get unnecessarily tanned or darken age spots. Excessive exposure to sun can also bring about wrinkles and age spots early. Hence, to avoid this you can choose to follow a daily skin care regimen for your hands and treat them to some TLC.

Our hands have few oil glands to keep them naturally moisturized, so they get dry very quickly. When they come in contact with detergent, chemicals and dirt the skin gets further damaged. You can adopt special treatments like herbal therapies and warm oil soaks that can keep your hands soft and supple for a long time. Mix a few drops of rose water, glycerin, and lemon juice and massage it on your hands daily for best results. You can also try out cornmeal which is a great scrub for cleansing hands and softening them wonderfully.

With a little effort, you too can have hands that defy your true age.

Daily Beauty Regimen for Healthy and Glowing Skin

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Your skin health will depend on a balanced diet, required physical exercise, proper nutrition and hydration and a daily skin care routine. By following a simple guideline that includes 4 easy steps you can enhance your skin health to a great extent.

Cleansing: The first step to your beauty guide should be cleansing your skin on a regular basis. By cleansing you can remove all the dirt from your skin as well as other impurities that clog the pores of the skin. This should be done at least once a day with a non-irritating and mild cleanser that is suited for your skin tone. Be careful when you choose your cleanser as that should not strip your skin of all the natural oils.

 Toning: Use a toner as it is very essential to keep your skin cool and rehydrated. You will be left with refreshing skin throughout the day. Toners help in removing dirt, oil, makeup that the cleanser has not managed to remove. Use a toner that is absolutely free of alcohol as it dries up the skin.

Exfoliation: This process helps in removing dead cells that have accumulated on the skin surface. Ensure that the exfoliant you are using is not granular, as that can damage your skin. If you want to enhance the rejuvenation procedure of your skin, then use exfoliants that have alpha or beta hydroxyl acids. This helps in wrinkle prevention.

Moisturize: The final step that you must do is moisturizing your skin. Your entire body requires nutrients and hydration. Your skin should be daily treated with a moisturizer for daytime use that has SPF properties that would provide you with sun protection. At night use a moisturizer that would be better absorbed by your skin.

These 4 basic steps can help you get back your skin health. Each step is essential as part of your daily beauty guide. You must choose your products well so that it suits your skin type.

Quick Skincare Tips for Fall

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Cool weather and falling leaves signal the time to get your moisturizing skincare routine in place for the upcoming winter.  Yes, autumn is a time of transition and your skin suffers if you do not properly take care of it. Not only do you have to repair skin damage from the effects of the summer sun, you also have to prepare it for the coming winter months. Now that it is officially fall you will have to make changes to your skincare routine.

Although your skin remains covered during this time it is always proper to treat your skin so that it can look absolutely beautiful. The first thing that you need to do is analyze your skin type. If you already suffer from dry skin, for your fall skincare regimen, maybe you need to change your shower gel and select a soap-free one, which is hydrating for your skin. A creamy body wash is absolutely ideal for this time. Using an oil-based scrub is most beneficial because you get the benefits of exfoliation along with hydrating oils. You also need to moisturize daily so that you can keep dry skin at bay. The ideal time to apply your moisturizing lotion would be after you have taken a shower to allow skin the maximun absorbtion benefit.

And don’t forget your sunscreen lotion. It is still a daily essential and you must use a minimum of SPF 15 every time you go out in the sun. Never forget to include feet care in your skincare routine. This will ensure that you can shift back to your sandals when the time comes without any hassle. Indulge yourself by purchasing a new hand cream and moisturize your hands daily so that you can have soft and supple hands throughout fall and into the winter.

Skin Care Tips During Winter

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Those with dry skin have to be very careful during the winter months. Winter can be harsh on dry and sensitive skin. Due to the sudden change of temperature and lack of humidity, the skin loses its moisture pretty quickly. Hence, the skin needs special care during this time of the year.

Choose products that provide you nourishment and hydration. Keep skin clean and free from pore-clogging sweat and dirt. Use lukewarm water when you are taking shower. This ensures that natural oils in the skin do not get stripped away. Use products during your bath that comes with a neutral pH index. Avoid using soaps that are colored or fragrant as they tend to contain more chemicals than emollients.

Take Care Of Dry And Oily Skin In A Few Easy Steps

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Dry and oily skin is some of the common problems which you face. But if you take proper care of them through a planned skin care routine you will surely get the best results. There are a variety of steps which you need to follow to achieve the purpose. If you have a dry skin, just do not worry anymore as all your problems can be resolved easily. There are a variety of moisturizers available in the market which you can use to counter the dryness.

Soothe Your Skin with a Variety of Herbal Facial Treatments

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Taking appropriate care of your skin is very important. As your face represents the outlook of your appearance you always need to keep it fresh and glowing. There are a variety of treatments which you can opt for to clean your face and provide it with a refreshing look. Herbal facial treatments have attained global popularity due to the effective results which they provide. All these treatments have been researched by the experts and found to bring a great feeling of relaxation. Your face gets a rejuvenated look and your appearance stays young as ever.


Written by Rachelle at Vivoderm on . Posted in Fundamentals

While we can all appreciate a good concealer or botox, ignoring the underlying problems by covering them up is no answer. Truly beautiful skin can only come from a good basic skin care routine.Clear, beautiful, healthy skin doesn’t just ‘happen,’ it comes effort and a good skin care routine. Surprisingly, many women today rely on cosmetics and surgical procedures to hide or repair the damage that has occurred from years of improper skin maintenance.

Most dermatologist and skin experts recommend consistently following a daily skin care routine. This does not have to be complicated or time-consuming.  Your daily routine can be performed in as little as five to ten minutes.

Four Simple Steps

* Cleanse
* Tone / Treat
* Moisturize
* Protect

Five Natural Ways to Prevent Facial Aging

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The biological make-up of our skin begins to show signs of aging as early as our 20s. Age shows not only on our face, neck and chest but all over. There are many ways to care for your skin and prevent premature aging. Following are five ways that you can age gracefully. These are things you can do in your daily life that will dramatically reduce signs of aging.

  • Don’t smoke. If you do smoke, quit. We all know that smoking is bad for us and affects our body negatively. Smoking
    smoking causes wrinkles

    smoking causes wrinkles

    contributes to premature aging and many other health problems. The many chemicals in cigarettes influence the skin’s structure and dehydrate the cells, resulting in increased aging.

  • Get some sleep. Research has shown that people who sleep regularly seven to eight hours a night are healthier than those who lack sleep or over sleep. Sleeping allows the body to repair cellular damage and recharge. To prevent signs of aging on the face, try sleeping on your back. Sleeping on your stomach or side can damage skin by slowing down circulation and weakening the skin’s elasticity, resulting in wrinkles.
  • Sunscreen, use it, wear it, and love it. Wear sunscreen everyday-even on cloudy or rainy days, and even if you are just going to be outside a short time. We all know that the sun has harmful affects to the skin. Sun tanning and burning damage the skin, leading to premature aging. Sun exposure over time leads to wrinkles and ugly pigmentation spots. There is no excuse to not wear sunscreen, it comes in all forms and is formulated now to be lightweight and beneficial to the skin as well as giving sun protection.
  • Hydrate and Moisturize the skin from the inside and outside. Hydrated skin is healthy and plump, looks moist and shows few wrinkles and lines. As we age our skin loses elasticity; using moisturizers with ingredients such as vitamins and minerals that help repair the skin is the best way to restore elasticity and prevent its break down. Drink lots of water to hydrate the skin internally and use a good moisturizer. Try intense facial moisturizer or zinc repair cream by Vivoderm.
  • A healthy lifestyle and healthy diet can dramatically strengthen the skin and prevent premature aging. Fruits, vegetables,
    healthy diet and skin

    healthy diet and skin

    nuts and other nutrient- rich produce give the body strength to fight and repair damage. If you are good to your body from the inside out, you will have less external maintenance. Part of a healthy life style is getting exercise, so get up and get moving. Fit people also tend have less heath problems. Health problems can lead to premature aging of the skin by showing wrinkles and damage earlier than those people who choose to be healthy.

There is no way to prevent aging – it is inevitable, however there are ways to slow it down. Today there is plastic surgery and amazing skin care products to improve the look and feel of skin. But it’s never too late to prevent further damage so you don’t have to take the drastic measures of plastic surgery or spend tons of money on skin care later in life.

By Tiffany Oney

Tiffany Oney is a licensed esthetician, professional makeup artist and natural skincare authority.  She is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Communications Studies California State University, Long Beach and interning with Vivoderm Natural Skincare in Los Angeles, California.

Natural Facial Skin Care and Tips for Dry Skin

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3311533919_55b471b395A contributing factor to dry, flaky, skin in winter is a drop in temperature. Although winter sometimes feels damp, there is usually less water in the air than on your skin and that creates a moisture vapour loss from the skin. As skin becomes drier, its surface layer stops producing the natural lipids which prevent moisture loss, and water cannot be retained so easily. Dry skin will also show wrinkles more easlit and contribute to an aging appearance.

Herbalist Greta Breedlove came up with this natural homemade skin care recipes face utilizing the seed of the avocado. It makes a moisturizing face scrub, especially for dry skin.


Let an avocado dry a few days until you can remove the skin easily. Chop, then pulverize in a blender or food mill. Moisten with a little milk and smooth over your face, throat.


One egg yolk, beaten until light and frothy
1/2 cup milk
1/2 avacado, peeled and mashed

Beat the mixture with a fork until you have a thin cream or lotion consistency. Apply with cotton balls as you would a cleanser.

As a result of all these factors, sometimes skin on the face and body tends to be in worse condition in the winter months than at other times of the year. In extreme cases, a constant drying effect can even lead to cracking, flaking and redness.

These four tips for helping to keep dry skin at bay during the colder months come from Dr. Kucy Pon, Olay dermatologist.

1. A moisturizer is essential – A moisturizer performs several important functions, including replacing lost water. Water-binding ingredients, such as glycerin, help keep it in the skin.

2. Create an oasis – Put some moisture back into the air by using a humidifier in your home or office. It will counteract the drying effects of indoor heat.

3. Drink lots of water – Increase your body’s natural moisture level by staying hydrated throughout the day.

4. Keep wrapped up – Dress for the season and try to limit your skin’s exposure to harsh temperatures and damaging winds.

If you have dry skin, then you probably already know it can be really difficult to care for. When you don’t look after it properly, it can become flaky, and if it gets really bad, may even become irritated and red. Although it’s possible to find plenty of products that claim to be able to solve dry skin problems, unfortunately most of their claims are sales hype.

Although most over the counter products don’t do much to combat dry skin, there are a number of things you can do to improve the condition of your skin. It’s mostly a question of making some basic changes to your daily skincare routine. It won’t take long for your skin to appear more healthy and vibrant.

With dry skin, you have completely the opposite problem to someone with oily skin. Basically, your skin is suffering from a lack of sebum, the oil that helps to keep the skin moist and supple. People with oily skin produce far too much sebum. Sebum is actually made from skin cells, and is an essential ingredient in healthy, supple skin. Because dry skin has insufficient oil, you need to replace it from both inside and outside.

5.  Moisturize

One of the best things you can do for your skin is to use a good quality moisturizer. Choose a cream that is rich, but not heavy. Consider choosing a natural cream with aloe vera and chamomile. Both these ingredients are very soothing, as well as helping to reduce dryness and improve the skin’s healing abilities.

6. Choose Healthy Foods

You also need to look at the type of foods you eat. It’s important to choose healthy foods, because the healthier your body, the healthier your skin will be. You may not realize this, but your skin is actually the largest organ of your body. So it needs to be nourished just like all the other organs in your body.

7.  Supplement

Depending on the types of food you already eat, you might need to consider taking a supplement, such as Vitamin E, Omega-3 oils and B-Complex vitamins. Making sure you get enough of these important nutrients is a great way to improve the condition of your skin.

By nourishing your skin in all these ways, you should soon a marked reduction in the level of dryness. Helping your skin to be more supple and moist also helps to slow down the process of aging, so you’re the winner in two ways.

By Tom Turner

Choosing Natural Facial Skin Care Products

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In the last 10 years startling news and information on how our food supplies and products are created have surfaced. And it isn’t pretty. If you have been keeping up with the news and the recent movements towards more natural and organic products, you should know that is has never been easier or more affordable to choose the natural and organic, especially for your facial and skincare needs.

When you are looking for something natural to apply to your face and skin, you should know that there are many organic skin care products on the market. The possibilities are endless when you want to pamper the senses with an organic bath and body product.

Not only are natural facial products therapeutic, but they are also healthier because they use natural ingredients unspoiled by chemicals or preservatives. Some of the ingredients found in many natural facial skin care products include organic essential oils, natural and organic vegetable oils, as well as organic herbs from the wild.

When looking for an organic skin care product that will suit your needs, you should look for labels that contain phrases, such as 100% Natural or 100% Biodegradable.  Natural facial or organic skin care products should also stay clear of the use of fragrance oils, artificial colors and synthetics.

Just to get an idea of some of the ingredients and choices a customer may look forward to when purchasing organic skin care products, you could exfoliate your skin with the help of organic pumpkin seed oil and fresh pumpkin seeds.  When you want an exotic, natural scent to grace your body, you may prefer a chemical-free, all-natural perfume created from tropical flowers.

When you need help healing your skin from problems, such as scars, dark marks and sun damage, there is a night cream made from tangerines and calendula, which can be used to ease the appearance of blemished skin.  An organic apricot facial scrub can exfoliate, deep clean, as well as moisturize the skin, all at once.

When it comes to matters of the face, this area of skin is considered the most visible. If problems arise concerning skin and acne, natural and organic facial skin care products can correct or treat some of these problems without the harsh chemicals that are used in non-organic products. For example, a toner made from pure lemons, witch hazel and peppermint essential oils can be a great solution for easing problem skin.

When you are in need of an natural facial skin care product that will stimulate circulation, as well as treat open pores, there are toners made from lavender and rosewater that can do the trick.

There are endless websites offering a line of natural, facial skin care products on the Internet. You could purchase a face cream made from rose and chamomile, promoting facial hydration and the unclogging of pores. Just as with this particular product, many organic skin care products are good for those who have sensitive skin.

Other natural product alternatives offer Vitamin C as the key ingredient, which is also gentle on the skin. Your skin will also receive the advantages of Vitamin E and A. Also look for daytime hydrating creams made from chardonnay grape seeds, Mediterranean olives and soy just to name a few more options. The result is smoother, toned skin.

The market is booming with plenty of choices to consider, including organic eye gels for reducing puffiness, organic 15 SPF sunscreen with Zinc Oxide, as well as many other organic skin care products for sun damage, cellulite, acne and wrinkles.

Have fun experimenting with the best combinations for your face and skin and watch the dramatic results unfold, naturally!

Some excepts from article Organic Skin Care Products for Your Face and Skin by Stephen Todd
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