Why Should I Look Out For Parabens and Sulfates? (Pt 2 of 2)

Yearning for beautiful soft and supple skin is very common. There are very few people who are blessed with soft, supple and flawless skin. It is just a routine skin care for such people. Majority of the people do suffer from some skin problem or the other. There is constant search for natural skin products to combat most of the common problems like dryness, pimples and acne. The product made of natural ingredients is safe, mild and extremely effective.
Organic beauty products will always stand high over the synthetic topical creams regardless of the advancement in the field of cosmetic industry. The benefits of natural facial skincare can literally go on endlessly. Glossy synthetic products may look irresistible on first sight but you must not be duped by the striking packing and coaxing advertising. Yes, these chemical-based products do produce fleeting results but what if you stop using them? The moment you stop their usage, you get back to exactly where you’d started from! So, what is the idea behind using these synthetic beauty products?
We can actually go endless on the benefits of natural facial skincare. Women, by nature, fall for glossy creams and lotions. They have been falling prey to such harsh mix of chemicals since long. It is only after using and losing from these over-the-counter products that they realize the unworthiness of these so called beauty creams and solutions. No, we do not mean to say that all those creams that the store shelves are teeming with are worthlessness. No, not all are bad but yes many of them are and you may have no clue how badly they can react to the skin.
Sunscreen Application
Summer is rapidly approaching and it is time to once again stock up on sunscreens and
hats. Sunrays can have a detrimental effect on the skin, so it is very important to protect the skin from too much sun exposure. Sun damage to the skin can show up almost
immediately and will also appear over time. Different sunrays have different effects on the
skin. A great way to remember the difference is by the letter A or B. UVA rays or ‘aging rays’ cause wrinkles, pigmentation and cancer. UVB rays or ‘burning rays’ are the rays that cause a tan and sunburn. These rays also age the skin but do not penetrate as deep as UVA rays.
Aging is a normal process of life and the evidence of aging shows on our skin. As we age skin begins to thin, dry and dull due to slow cell turn over. New skin cells do not grow as quickly, resulting in thinning skin. As a result, dead skin cells shed less quickly making the appearance of the skin dull and dry. Collagen and elastin-the system of fibers that make skin firm and elastic-begin to break down, resulting in sagging and wrinkles. Pigmentation is more prominent as we age when melanocytes, (which produce skin pigment) begin to produce irregularly. Research has shown there are two different factors in aging; intrinsic or internal and extrinsic or external.
Natural Facial Skin Care
Intrinsic aging, the natural course of aging, has to do with genes and inheritance. Natural aging begins at birth; however, signs of aging begin to appear on the skin in our mid 20’s. Intrinsic aging includes slower cell turn over, and less collagen production. Elastin begins to break down which acts like a rubber band enabling our skin to stretch and snap back. Visible signs of intrinsic skin aging include fine lines, loss of suppleness, dry and thin skin.
Extrinsic aging are the external factors that age the skin. These include sun exposure, health and diet, gravity, sleeping positions, smoking, drinking and even facial expressions. External factors cause premature aging to the skin and can become visible rather quickly.
While intrinsic factors are mostly uncontrollable, fortunately, extrinsic aging is controllable. Skin aging is a normal process however, premature aging of the skin can be prevented. A healthy lifestyle, yearly physical exams and topical care of the skin can prevent premature aging. A healthy, active life style will create healthy, strong skin from the outside in, preventing premature aging. Physical exams may catch early signs of skin damage that then can be treated. Topical skin care allows the skin to absorb ingredients through topical products that aid in building the epidermis and dermal layers of skin, the skin that is and will become visible. Topical care includes skin care products such as cleansers, moisturizers, serums and sunscreens.
Cleansing and toning
To prevent premature aging is to treat your skin as one of a kind. There are many different skin types, meaning what one person is doing to take care of their skin is not necessarily what you need to be doing to treat your skin. However, the most important products to aid in preventing premature aging are cleansers, exfoliates, moisturizers with hydrators and sunscreens. Cleansers will cleanse the skin clearing excess oil, dirt and debris. Exfoliates will slough off dead skin, deep clean pores and result in smoother more even skin tone. Moisturizers with hydrators will keep the skin supple and moist, while sunscreen will help to protect the skin from sun damage. It is also important to consider skin care products that include essential oils and antioxidants to help fight off free radicals that can further damage skin cells. Always consult a dermatologist before starting any skin care routine.
By Tiffany Oney
Tiffany Oney is a licensed esthetician, professional makeup artist and natural skincare authority. She is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Communications Studies California State University, Long Beach and interning with Vivoderm Natural Skincare in Los Angeles, California.
Treating your skin with pure natural skin care products is not just a new fad or a trend, but a true and effective response to a world overloaded with chemicals, toxins, and pollution. There is only so much a body can do to purge itself from the unhealthy balance we have all been guilty of contributing to. Natural skincare products have been uniquely designed to restore the skin as well as protect the skin and also make it feel smooth, moist and fantastic. The skin is the body’s largest organ and is the first line of defense against toxins and other harmful substances. It is responsible for fighting infections, keeps your temperature regulated as well as fights off dehydration. Why treat it like a chemical garbage dump?
Using natural skin care products is one of the most popular and easy ways to maintain your healthy glow. Some may prefer surgical procedures to augment the natural look of their skin, but in the end using natural skincare is the most effective form of preventative and anti aging skin care regimes. This is because it is easily affordable and there are no ethical issues to consider that many face when considering plastic or augmentative surgery such as Botox injections or face lifts.
Many people are looking for instant solutions to their skin care issues or want to physically augment their appearance because of a sense of dissatisfaction with their appearance. Most physicians will prefer to prescribe natural skincare solutions and offer a variety of choices in terms of how to moderately treat your skincare issue before suggesting you go in for radical and invasive surgeries. Get proper professional advise before you head off to seek a surgical, “instant” option. The likelihood is small that a skincare procedure that involves a any form of anesthesia or an injection of skin bacteria may be the healthier choice.
Next time you consider trying to plump up your lips with a Botox injection or try to puff up your cheeks with some sort of skin bacterial injection, consider doing it the natural way. This can usually be in the form of a cream or lotion that will be significantly less severe than actually adding chemicals to the facial structure and bloodstream. The potential side effects of a chemical addition to your blood or bady can cause unknown allergic problems for many people and are not recommended above natural skincare solutions.
Instead, seek the opinion of a natural skincare expert and allow them to map your facial structure for the skin type and other factors. This will help in administering the best natural skincare product for your face and body, helping the product to work better with your skin type and color. This all comes at a fraction of the risk and at a much lower cost than the surgical procedure.
Administering natural products into your skin is a much better way to maintain a proper skin type and also a better way to improve the look of your skin.
Pure, natural skin care products do not contain the numerous synthetic additives that can cause the human skin’s defense to weaken as well as the unseemly and ugly skin irritations. In addition, the chemical based skin care products may also cause rashes to break out as well as the debilitating allergies. Some, if not all of the chemical additives are by products of motor oil (that’s right), petroleum products and insecticides or even worse.
One hundred percent organic and natural skin care products will help nourish and restore your skin, as well as strengthen the skin and keep it healthy. By using natural skin care treatments, they will work in harmony with the body so you can be assured of having healthy skin which, in turn, will help keep the whole body healthy by asking it to do less internal cleansing and detoxing.
Healthy skin will excrete an important protective covering called the “acid mantle.” This helps to protect the skin from environmental effects as well as harmful organisms. To keep the skin in good health as well as to keep your acid mantle functioning properly you need to have a healthy lifestyle along with a natural or organic skin care regimen.
This can be achieved by not only just eating healthy foods consisting of a whole food diet, but also constantly getting essential fatty acids through consumption of unrefined, expeller pressed plant oils or fish oils. In addition, one should drink plenty of water as well as exercise regularly. Using natural moisturizers and natural sun protectors like zinc and zinc oxide will help in lubricating your skin and protecting you from harmful UVA / UVB rays.
Natural face creams, containing shea butter, coco butter and organic oils as well as organic hand and body lotions will help keep the skin naturally free of blemishes. The best organic and natural skin care products are made from high quality botanical oils and ingredients, which are typically produced in small, carefully packed packages so that one can be assured of purchasing only fresh stocks. So, be sure to give your body and your skin a break…feed it well with nourshing natural foods and organic skin treatments.