Treating Hard, Cracked Skin on Feet

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Most adults suffer from hard, cracked skin on their feet due to years of wear and friction. It does not cause any definite pain but it surely causes discomfort or unsightliness. The feet carry a lot of pressure and undergo a lot of impact everyday. Hence, foot skin is thicker than any place else.

The primary signs of hard skin will appear as dry marks, cracks and even thickened callouses. These patches are seen on the heel of the foot and around the top area near the toes that gets the most friction with improperly fitting footwear and walking. With time and without treatment, it worsens and it takes on a yellowish color.

If the skin condition is not properly treated then it can develop into different feet ailments like corns or bunions. However, you can prevent this skin condition by incorporating in your schedule a daily foot care regimen. Give your feet adequate rest and pamper them by giving them short-at home pedicures. Submerging your feet in warm, soapy water on a regular basis. Using essential oils and foot lotions after bathing your feet can prove to be beneficial for softening the skin.

You can use a pumice stone on the ball and heels of the foot to can get rid of dead skin cells and slough off old skin. Then you can follow it up by applying intensive moisturizing creams. Cocoa butter cream  can be highly effective for your feet. It is soothing and is great for cracked and tired feet. The rich texture of the cream makes the skin soft and fresh.
The main ingredients of a cocoa butter foot cream are glycerin, caster oil, avocado oil, chamomile and rosemary, cocoa butter, and comfrey. This will help to keep the skin soft and prevent it from getting dry and hard. This will help to prevent any corns and calluses that may have grown as a result to hard skin that has been left untreated.

So remember these tip next time you want to reveal, soft, nourished, beautiful feet!

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