Posts Tagged ‘grape seed’

Grape Seed Extract Good For Aging Skin Care

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To get clear and glowing skin today, women are opting more and more for natural skin care products over chemicals. A primary ingredient of most natural beauty products is grape seed extract. Historically, grape seed extracts or oils were used a by-product from wine making procedures – but now it is primarily used for skin cosmetics. Grape seed extracts are derived from whole grapes or seeds and have a great number of flavinoids, Vitamin E and especially great for anti-aging skin treatments – grape seed extract is highly beneficial due to high concentrations of anti-oxidants.

Grape Seed Toner for anti aging
Grape Seed Toner Reduces Skin Aging

One of the main anti aging skin care benefits that you can get from grape seed is the boost in collagen development of your body. Collagen is a protein found in the connective tissues. When the collagen binds with keratin, collagen becomes responsive for promoting elastic and strong skin. Collagen aids in keeping your skin supple, moisturized and firm. With age, body loses the ability of producing collagen. This leads to common aging symptoms such as dryness, lines, and wrinkles.

By choosing  anti aging skin care that uses natural ingredients like grape seed extract that will help to maintain the structure and strength of the collagen in your skin. Grape seed extract also consists of compounds known as procyanidins that bond with collagen and which results in healthier skin. So, if you are looking to have younger looking skin try using skin care products that contain products like grape seed.

One popular natural skin care product that contains grape seed extract is a facial toner from Vivoderm. It is infused with herbal astringents and minerals that are beneficial for the skin. The toner helps to balance and tone the skin, while the green tea extract helps in skin soothing and firming.

Natural Facial Toners: An Integral Part of Daily Skincare Routine

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Facial Toners or astringents help to remove the oil from the skin. Most are made from alcohol, water and other ingredients such as witch hazel, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide. Many women have the wrong conception that it reduces the size of the skin pores. Facial toners actually get rid of the excess oil and take out the impurities that usually lead to breakouts and blemishes. Toners help in rejuvenating the skin by increasing the blood circulation and improving the skin tone. They also reduce the overall oil secretion and help prevent blackheads and whiteheads.

However, many dermatologists say that if you maintain a daily beauty routine and clean your face properly, then you may not need to use a toner. Some facial astringents may contain harsh ingredients such as alcohol, so you must look for products that are made from natural ingredients and more gentle to delicate skin. If your toner contains alcohol then you must know that it can lead to skin drying and possible flaking. So, when possible, choose alcohol-free brands that come with natural ingredients such as green tea extracts and grape seed. You can feel comfortable using these natural facial products daily because they are less abrasive. Toners with natural herbal astringents and minerals also help to purify the skin.

Tips: Do not abrasively rub it into your skin when using. If you have a delicate skin then you might use a toner mixed with rosewater or some other hydrosol. Make sure your face is completely cleansed before use. You can also choose to make your own little mix customized to your skin type. Try this one for normal skin: Blend two tablespoons of watermelon juice, one tablespoon of rosewater or witch hazel and two tablespoons of distilled water together and then dip the cotton ball into the mixture and then apply it on the face. Ahhh, refreshing!