Posts Tagged ‘holistic-health’

How To Fight Back Against Cold Sores & Herpes Naturally

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Great article I read from “Wellness with Rose”

via “How To Fight Back Against Cold Sores & Genital Herpes… All Naturally” « Wellness With Rose.

Cold sores suck. You get that tingle in your lip and you know it’s coming. The dread sets in waiting for that
week of pain and embarrassment that comes with the outbreak.

Having a cold sore is a miserable process, but what are you going to do? Western Medicine insists that there is no cure for Herpes Simplex 1, the virus that causes cold sore outbreaks.

With all due respect to the Western Medicine Community, I disagree. I believe, and this is just my belief, that the body can heal from ANYTHING.

And, for those of you who carry the Herpes virus, there is hope! Your body is an incredible machine that is capable of fighting and healing any malady that comes its way. It’s just a matter of finding the right key to unlock the chemical changes needed for your biology to heal itself.

Over 60% of the population are carriers of Herpes 1, the virus that causes cold sores and 40% are carriers of Herpes 2, the virus that causes genital herpes. When carriers experience outbreaks of either cold sores or genital herpes, they are displaying outer signs of an inner war being waged between the viral infection that has taken up host and the body’s immune system.

Cold sores and genital herpes outbreaks tend to increase in colder weather because your body is using extra energy just to keep your body’s temperature up, dealing with added stressors that accompany the winter holidays, and coping with the increased sugar intake from all those seasonal treats. This leaves your forces weakened, and opens the door for viral troops to break through and break out.

You can fight back. By taking a holistic approach and analyzing the body’s entire system, you can reinforce your Immunity Army’s troops and kill off the foreign invaders once and for all! Here are some recommendations for doing just that:

Boost your immune system by taking Astragalus. Available in pill form or as a tea, this herb increases your natural T-Cell levels. Your T-Cells are like the Navy SEALs of your immune system, providing a highly intelligent, extensively trained front line of defense against any foreign bacteria or viral invaders. Also, increase your levels of Vitamin C and Zinc as these minerals further reinforce your immunity, equipping your T-Cell warriors with armor and ammunition.

Add a 300mg L-lysine supplement to your daily regimen. An essential amino acid, L-lysine affects the virus’ RNA and shuts down its ability to replicate itself in the body. L-lysine won’t kill the existing virus, but it will inhibit the viral army from adding any more troops. Protein-rich foods are good sources of L-lysine.

Watch out for foods high in L- Arginine. This amino acid will betray your Immunity Army by providing support for the foreign forces. Say no to chocolate, almonds and walnuts – all high in L-Arginine, and say yes to foods like soybeans, spinach and lentils which are low in L-Arginine and high in L-lysine. Finding the proper balance of these two amino acids is essential in wiping out the Herpes Simplex viruses.

Liquid Colloidal Silver

Liquid Colloidal Silver

Discover the wonders of colloidal silver! Extensively used to treat maladies prior to the creation of antibiotics, colloidal silver is a bacteria killing machine that can be taken internally or applied directly to the sore outbreaks. Once I had a wart that wouldn’t go away. I used colloidal silver on it for two days, it disappeared and I haven’t seen a sign of it since! It is important to note that colloidal silver doesn’t discriminate and it will destroy your good bacteria as well as the bad, so be sure to reinforce your system with probiotics. I recommend taking Acidophilus in pill form because other methods aren’t as strong and you want to be certain you’re getting enough.

Also, the use of topical oils can be used on outbreaks until the virus is defeated. Essential oils such as lavender oil and lemonlavender oil balm are highly effective in soothing Herpes outbreaks and will work well until your Immunity Army ousts the viral invaders. Simply dab a bit of the oil directly onto your sores using a cotton swab and experience instant relief.

Taking this multi-pronged approach and fighting viral infections from every angle is your Immunity Army’s best bet in conquering foreign invaders. You can triumph over Herpes Simplex viruses, all it takes is a little internal biological warfare. Go. Fight. Win!