Posts Tagged ‘Latest News’

Acids in Skincare Ingredients and How They Affect You

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In previous articles we discussed the biology of the skin layers (or epidermis) and the acid mantle. We learned the acid mantle is a very important part to skin health. It is what protects our topmost layer of skin from infection and intrusion of harmful bacteria. Now we discuss the more popular skincare acids in detail and how they are used.

Who would want to put acid on their face?

If you follow trends in skincare and skin products, you most likely have seen numerous references to ‘acids’ – names like, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Glycolic Acid or Ascorbic Acid to name a few. While the term “acid” may seem harmful or irritating, when used in the proper products and in controlled amounts, it can actually heal and rejuvenate skin – much the same way the acid mantle protects it. The trick in proper skincare is to find the right balance between acid and alkaline maintenance of the skin.

You may not know exactly what these acids do for your skin and how they might help you. Understanding skincare ingredients is key to selecting the right products for your unique skin type and skin concerns.

Treating The Facial Skin Naturally

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CB063488All of you undoubtedly yearn for a flawless, radiant and unblemished skin. A healthy and so called flawless skin does not come from moving a magic wand. It comes from just the right and timely skincare, healthy eating and staying happy. If your diet lacks vitamins and zinc in particular, it will show on your skin. On a similar stride, lack of niacin, biotin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid etc. can cause severe skin issues.

Okay, it is human or better put women’s tendency to look out for some beauty products in addition to healthy eating. Natural skincare treatment stays way ahead of all cosmetic products. Natural ways of skincare are unmatchable. Orange, yogurt and oatmeal paste works well on all skin types. It may even be used to fight aging. A blend of olive oil, tomato, cucumber and turmeric is also held to be much benefiting in making your skin more beautiful. Likewise almonds, mint and gram flour can be applied on the face to give it a fresh and rejuvenated look. Another very commonly used and appreciated mix is that of lavender, chamomile, green clay, baking soda and rosemary. It is equally useful and leaves your skin as beautiful as never before. Smearing on a mix of egg white, honey, vitamin E oil, jojoba oil and beeswax will provide you with a naturally glowing skin. There are many others that target specific problems as in acne, lines, crinkles etc.

Natural beauty products are available in the market as well. You must speak to an expert before buying them, though as they may not always be what they declare themselves to be. Plus, when the homemade masks and even scrubs are so simple to form and show double better the results, why not just quickly make one and bask around in the glory of radiating skin?

Five Natural Ways to Prevent Facial Aging

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The biological make-up of our skin begins to show signs of aging as early as our 20s. Age shows not only on our face, neck and chest but all over. There are many ways to care for your skin and prevent premature aging. Following are five ways that you can age gracefully. These are things you can do in your daily life that will dramatically reduce signs of aging.

  • Don’t smoke. If you do smoke, quit. We all know that smoking is bad for us and affects our body negatively. Smoking
    smoking causes wrinkles

    smoking causes wrinkles

    contributes to premature aging and many other health problems. The many chemicals in cigarettes influence the skin’s structure and dehydrate the cells, resulting in increased aging.

  • Get some sleep. Research has shown that people who sleep regularly seven to eight hours a night are healthier than those who lack sleep or over sleep. Sleeping allows the body to repair cellular damage and recharge. To prevent signs of aging on the face, try sleeping on your back. Sleeping on your stomach or side can damage skin by slowing down circulation and weakening the skin’s elasticity, resulting in wrinkles.
  • Sunscreen, use it, wear it, and love it. Wear sunscreen everyday-even on cloudy or rainy days, and even if you are just going to be outside a short time. We all know that the sun has harmful affects to the skin. Sun tanning and burning damage the skin, leading to premature aging. Sun exposure over time leads to wrinkles and ugly pigmentation spots. There is no excuse to not wear sunscreen, it comes in all forms and is formulated now to be lightweight and beneficial to the skin as well as giving sun protection.
  • Hydrate and Moisturize the skin from the inside and outside. Hydrated skin is healthy and plump, looks moist and shows few wrinkles and lines. As we age our skin loses elasticity; using moisturizers with ingredients such as vitamins and minerals that help repair the skin is the best way to restore elasticity and prevent its break down. Drink lots of water to hydrate the skin internally and use a good moisturizer. Try intense facial moisturizer or zinc repair cream by Vivoderm.
  • A healthy lifestyle and healthy diet can dramatically strengthen the skin and prevent premature aging. Fruits, vegetables,
    healthy diet and skin

    healthy diet and skin

    nuts and other nutrient- rich produce give the body strength to fight and repair damage. If you are good to your body from the inside out, you will have less external maintenance. Part of a healthy life style is getting exercise, so get up and get moving. Fit people also tend have less heath problems. Health problems can lead to premature aging of the skin by showing wrinkles and damage earlier than those people who choose to be healthy.

There is no way to prevent aging – it is inevitable, however there are ways to slow it down. Today there is plastic surgery and amazing skin care products to improve the look and feel of skin. But it’s never too late to prevent further damage so you don’t have to take the drastic measures of plastic surgery or spend tons of money on skin care later in life.

By Tiffany Oney

Tiffany Oney is a licensed esthetician, professional makeup artist and natural skincare authority.  She is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Communications Studies California State University, Long Beach and interning with Vivoderm Natural Skincare in Los Angeles, California.

How To Fight Back Against Cold Sores & Herpes Naturally

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Great article I read from “Wellness with Rose”

via “How To Fight Back Against Cold Sores & Genital Herpes… All Naturally” « Wellness With Rose.

Cold sores suck. You get that tingle in your lip and you know it’s coming. The dread sets in waiting for that
week of pain and embarrassment that comes with the outbreak.

Having a cold sore is a miserable process, but what are you going to do? Western Medicine insists that there is no cure for Herpes Simplex 1, the virus that causes cold sore outbreaks.

With all due respect to the Western Medicine Community, I disagree. I believe, and this is just my belief, that the body can heal from ANYTHING.

And, for those of you who carry the Herpes virus, there is hope! Your body is an incredible machine that is capable of fighting and healing any malady that comes its way. It’s just a matter of finding the right key to unlock the chemical changes needed for your biology to heal itself.

Over 60% of the population are carriers of Herpes 1, the virus that causes cold sores and 40% are carriers of Herpes 2, the virus that causes genital herpes. When carriers experience outbreaks of either cold sores or genital herpes, they are displaying outer signs of an inner war being waged between the viral infection that has taken up host and the body’s immune system.

Cold sores and genital herpes outbreaks tend to increase in colder weather because your body is using extra energy just to keep your body’s temperature up, dealing with added stressors that accompany the winter holidays, and coping with the increased sugar intake from all those seasonal treats. This leaves your forces weakened, and opens the door for viral troops to break through and break out.

You can fight back. By taking a holistic approach and analyzing the body’s entire system, you can reinforce your Immunity Army’s troops and kill off the foreign invaders once and for all! Here are some recommendations for doing just that:

Boost your immune system by taking Astragalus. Available in pill form or as a tea, this herb increases your natural T-Cell levels. Your T-Cells are like the Navy SEALs of your immune system, providing a highly intelligent, extensively trained front line of defense against any foreign bacteria or viral invaders. Also, increase your levels of Vitamin C and Zinc as these minerals further reinforce your immunity, equipping your T-Cell warriors with armor and ammunition.

Add a 300mg L-lysine supplement to your daily regimen. An essential amino acid, L-lysine affects the virus’ RNA and shuts down its ability to replicate itself in the body. L-lysine won’t kill the existing virus, but it will inhibit the viral army from adding any more troops. Protein-rich foods are good sources of L-lysine.

Watch out for foods high in L- Arginine. This amino acid will betray your Immunity Army by providing support for the foreign forces. Say no to chocolate, almonds and walnuts – all high in L-Arginine, and say yes to foods like soybeans, spinach and lentils which are low in L-Arginine and high in L-lysine. Finding the proper balance of these two amino acids is essential in wiping out the Herpes Simplex viruses.

Liquid Colloidal Silver

Liquid Colloidal Silver

Discover the wonders of colloidal silver! Extensively used to treat maladies prior to the creation of antibiotics, colloidal silver is a bacteria killing machine that can be taken internally or applied directly to the sore outbreaks. Once I had a wart that wouldn’t go away. I used colloidal silver on it for two days, it disappeared and I haven’t seen a sign of it since! It is important to note that colloidal silver doesn’t discriminate and it will destroy your good bacteria as well as the bad, so be sure to reinforce your system with probiotics. I recommend taking Acidophilus in pill form because other methods aren’t as strong and you want to be certain you’re getting enough.

Also, the use of topical oils can be used on outbreaks until the virus is defeated. Essential oils such as lavender oil and lemonlavender oil balm are highly effective in soothing Herpes outbreaks and will work well until your Immunity Army ousts the viral invaders. Simply dab a bit of the oil directly onto your sores using a cotton swab and experience instant relief.

Taking this multi-pronged approach and fighting viral infections from every angle is your Immunity Army’s best bet in conquering foreign invaders. You can triumph over Herpes Simplex viruses, all it takes is a little internal biological warfare. Go. Fight. Win!

Natural Acne Treatments Vs Leading Pharmaceuticals

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In June 2009, the pharmaceutical giant Roche Holding AG, pulled its Accutane acne medicine from the U.S. market after juries awarded at least $33 million in damages to users who blamed the drug for bowel disease.

According to, “Roche notified the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today that it was withdrawing Accutane after a “reevaluation” of its product lines showed it faced serious challenges from generic competitors, company officials said in a statement.”

This is just another in a long list of recent health concerns over pharmaceutical skincare treatments and the serious health risks they may pose.

As the natural skincare movement gains popularity, many consumers are discovering their old over the counter acne treatments can have potentially harmful chemicals that would be best to avoid. In response to these concerns, many have made the switch to all-natural acne skincare treatments. While some are convinced that natural remedies can’t be strong enough to fight stubborn acne. If you are convinced a more powerful acne medication is the best option, read on to find out what approach is right for you to become acne free.


Contains Chemicals




Restrictions on Sun Exposure


Vivoderm 100% Natural Anti-Acne Mask





















Benzoyl Peroxide




























Effective Natural Acne Treatments and Ingredients

There are various home treatments and natural ingredients that have been proven to be effective in treating mild to moderate cases of acne. Some of these may include:

· Massage essential oils into your skin at night such as Tea Tree Oil, Bergamot Oil, Clove Oil, Lavender Oil, and Rosewood Oil. Wash your face clean in the morning with pure soap and water.

· Acne starts within the body, not just at the surface of the skin. Therefore, it is important to drink plenty of water to help detoxify your body and help clear acne.

· You can exfoliate and clear pores with an oatmeal mask once or twice a week. Cook oatmeal and while it is still warm, apply to your face, allow oatmeal to dry and then wash away.

There are many varieties of at home solutions, some of which are effective, and some not. Those with more serious cases of acne however, such as cystic acne, usually turn to stronger over the counter acne treatments.

Over the Counter Acne Treatments

Over the counter acne products tend to be more powerful in fighting acne because each product works differently to target causes of acne. Certain products function by killing Prionibacterium acnes (P.acnes), the bacteria that creates inflammation. Other medications reduce sebum output and renew skin. Other products function by using combinations of these things. Acne medication treatments work in different ways depending on their active ingredient. Here are some common active ingredients that acne products contain.

*Benzoyl Peroxide works to eliminate P. acnes and reduces excess oil and dead skin cells. It is available in different strengths that come in products in certain percentages.

*Salicylic Acid prevents pores from clogging by slowing the process of skin cell shed within hair follicles. It also helps fight whiteheads and blackheads.

*Alcohol and acetone are found in astringents and cleansing washes. They clear your skin of dirt and oil.

These medications might be more powerful in treating acne but they often come with more side effects such as dryness, sensitivity to sun, stinging or irritation, redness or peeling.

There are many natural options that are now available that give you the opportunity to fight acne with powerful results but without the unnatural chemicals that may cause unwanted side effects. The top natural acne treatments have been proven to be as strong as leading pharmaceuticals, yet a perfect compromise between gentle home remedies that don’t show results and powerful but irritating over the counter products.

When it comes to the next generation of acne treatments, the most promising products are natural blends to specific herbal constituents–like Rosemary, Marshmallow, Aloe Vera, Lavender, Fennel, Angelica, and Green Tea – that evade irritating side effects. Vivoderm Laboratories offers a natural acne mask that reduces sebum output, controls inflammation, unclogs pores, and moisturizes skin. It also serves as an acne scar treatment as it regenerates skin affected by redness and scars. Many herbs also contain natural antiseptic properties to attack acne-causing bacteria. This anti-acne treatment removes dead skin cells and repairs blemishes without drying out the skin.

The bottom line is to always be aware of chemicals you expose yourself to and make the choice that is best for you. If chemicals are in any way a concern for you – opt for a natural solution that treats the root causes of acne, not just the symptoms and become acne free – naturally.

Treatments for Lines and Wrinkles

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As we age, the skin droops and develops wrinkles, lines and furrows. Depending on your skin type, you may find your skin to be pre-disposed to wrinkling. But thanks to diligent research and new advances, there are a number of solutions to combat facial lines.

Causes of facial lines

In addition to aging, facial lines can form because of the following:

* Sun damage (Fine lines and wrinkles arise because of irregular thickening of the dermis and because of a decrease in the amount of water held by the epidermis. caused mainly by sun damage.) (Read more at Sun Damage)
* Smoking
* Muscle movement / Dynamic lines (People tend to smile or frown more on one side than the other, or consistently sleep on the right or the left cheek. Crow’s feet around the eyes are due to smiling and activity of the eyelid muscles. Worry lines on the forehead are due to contraction of the muscle when raising the eyebrows)
* Gravity is responsible for folds in the skin

What treatment is available?

See your dermatologist for information about what might work well for you, which could include (Also see treatments for sundamaged skin):

* Topical agents which produce collagen in the skin, Vitamin A acids (Tazarotene, Tretinoin, Adapelene) and Vitamin C or alpha

Hydroxy acids
* Microdermabrasion has a very modest benefit for very fine lines
* Injectionable fillers such as Restylane (Hyaluronic acid)
* Botox for dynamic lines (Check-out
* Lasers. Traditionally the CO2 and Erbium lasers (ablative) were used to essentially peel off a layer of skin and then allow a new skin to grow in. Results were impressive but the healing time of many weeks and sometimes months of redness has reduced the use of this approach. Patients with darker skin would often end up with darker skin and those with very fair skin sometimes white skin

* Plastic surgery is usually used to improve skin folds rather than fine lines and wrinkles
* The newer non-ablative laser treatments do not have the down time of the older methods nor do they have the degree of improvement. Repeat treatments with lasers that essentially produce a heating of the dermis, which in turn encourages collagen production, Lasers such as the Nd: Yag, V Beam and Smooth Beam may be used.
* The Fraxel laser is a modification of an Erbium laser that just treats multiple small pinpoint areas of skin allowing a quick recovery after a treatment. We will be hearing more of this in the future
* Cosmetic facial surgery

Prevent it before it happens

You can take steps to protect your skin. You’ve heard it before, and it’s worth repeating:

* Avoid excessive time in the sun, and always use a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher
* Avoid smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke or other pollutants. Smoking increases facial lines and wrinkles and delays skin healing.
* Exercise. It’s good for the skin as well as for your general health.
* Aging skin feels and looks better when moisturizers are applied regularly. These improve the water-holding capacity of the skin. Choose one that feels nice to apply, doesn’t sting or burn or provoke acne
* Use tepid or warm water and a non-soap cleanser to wash your face twice daily
* Drink plenty of water to rehydrate internally. Because moisture content is related to water, not oil or grease, oily-skinned women need to rehydrate as conscientiously as their dry-skinned counterparts
* Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables
* Generally what is healthy for your heart and brain is good for your skin

See your doctor or dermatologist to determine which solutions best suits your experience with facial lines.

Treating Your Skin With Natural Products

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Treating your skin with pure natural skin care products is not just a new fad or a trend, but a true and effective response to a world overloaded with chemicals, toxins, and pollution. There is  only so much a body can do to purge itself from the unhealthy balance we have all been guilty of contributing to. Natural skincare products have been uniquely designed to restore the skin as well as protect the skin and also make it feel smooth, moist and fantastic. The skin is the body’s largest organ and is the first line of defense against toxins and other harmful substances. It is responsible for fighting infections, keeps your temperature regulated as well as fights off dehydration. Why treat it like a chemical garbage dump?

Using natural skin care products is one of the most popular and easy ways to maintain your healthy glow. Some may prefer surgical procedures to augment the natural look of their skin, but in the end using natural skincare is the most effective form of preventative and anti aging skin care regimes. This is because it is easily affordable and there are no ethical issues to consider that many face when considering plastic or augmentative surgery such as Botox injections or face lifts.

Many people are looking for instant solutions to their skin care issues or want to physically augment their appearance because of a sense of dissatisfaction with their appearance. Most physicians will prefer to prescribe natural skincare solutions and offer a variety of choices in terms of how to moderately treat your skincare issue before suggesting you go in for radical and invasive surgeries. Get proper professional advise before you head off to seek a surgical, “instant” option. The likelihood is small that a skincare procedure that involves a any form of anesthesia or an injection of skin bacteria may be the healthier choice.

Next time you consider trying to plump up your lips with a Botox injection or try to puff up your cheeks with some sort of skin bacterial injection, consider doing it the natural way. This can usually be in the form of a cream or lotion that will be significantly less severe than actually adding chemicals to the facial structure and bloodstream. The potential side effects of a chemical addition to your blood or bady can cause unknown allergic problems for many people and are not recommended above natural skincare solutions.

Instead, seek the opinion of a natural skincare expert and allow them to map your facial structure for the skin type and other factors. This will help in administering the best natural skincare product for your face and body, helping the product to work better with your skin type and color. This all comes at a fraction of the risk and at a much lower cost than the surgical procedure.

Administering natural products into your skin is a much better way to maintain a proper skin type and also a better way to improve the look of your skin.

Pure, natural skin care products do not contain the numerous synthetic additives that can cause the human skin’s defense to weaken as well as the unseemly and ugly skin irritations. In addition, the chemical based skin care products may also cause rashes to break out as well as the debilitating allergies. Some, if not all of the chemical additives are by products of motor oil (that’s right), petroleum products and insecticides or even worse.

One hundred percent organic and natural skin care products will help nourish and restore your skin, as well as strengthen the skin and keep it healthy. By using natural skin care treatments, they will work in harmony with the body so you can be assured of having healthy skin which, in turn, will help keep the whole body healthy by asking it to do less internal cleansing and detoxing.

Healthy skin will excrete an important protective covering called the “acid mantle.” This helps to protect the skin from environmental effects as well as harmful organisms. To keep the skin in good health as well as to keep your acid mantle functioning properly you need to have a healthy lifestyle along with a natural or organic skin care regimen.

This can be achieved by not only just eating healthy foods consisting of a whole food diet, but also constantly getting essential fatty acids through consumption of unrefined, expeller pressed plant oils or fish oils. In addition, one should drink plenty of water as well as exercise regularly. Using natural moisturizers and natural sun protectors like zinc and zinc oxide will help in lubricating your skin and protecting you from harmful UVA / UVB rays.

Natural face creams, containing shea butter, coco butter and organic oils as well as organic hand and body lotions will help keep the skin naturally free of blemishes. The best organic and natural skin care products are made from high quality botanical oils and ingredients, which are typically produced in small, carefully packed packages so that one can be assured of purchasing only fresh stocks. So, be sure to give your body and your skin a break…feed it well with nourshing natural foods and organic skin treatments.

The Derma Roller Skin Treatments

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What is the Derma Roller or Skin Needling?

Recently, while walking around at the 2009 Beauty Expo in Long Beach, CA, I noticed a large number of booths selling these small rolling devices, covered with many short needles. Curious whether these were new parenting tools to scare unruly children or for skincare, I decided to research it further. The cosmetic representatives claimed these new facial rollers could increase collagen production and reduce wrinkles.

The derma roller is a very small rolling device that contains 192 micro points made of surgical steel. While it goes by different names, ‘skin needling,’ ‘dermaroller,’ or ‘meso roller,’ among many others, it appears to be a simple and natural method that promises to prevent skin aging, restore collagen, smooth out scars, pitted skin, and stretch marks – or your money back in some cases.

Research On Skin Needling

The skin needling device is used along with your normal skincare routine to remove acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, fine lines. Representatives say it can even help with big pores, black heads, and white heads. This micro needling or skin needling anti-aging technique is also used to perform collagen induction therapy (CIT). Studies show that when this device is rolled over the skin, it creates small puncture wounds which cause the body to produce collagen in an attempt to heal the skin. Our collagen production falls dramatically after about age 35 or so.

How the Derma Roller Works

Published instructions say when you roll this device over the skin it creates small puncture wounds into the top layer of the skin. This puncturing will then cause a type of wound-healing reaction for the dermal layer to begin production of collagen fibers, elastin, and other skin cells that helps to fill in lines, wrinkles, remove stretch marks and fill in deep pitted scars – also allowing the derma roller to be a great acne scar treatment.

In addition, the derma roller allows for optimum absorption of any anti-aging cream you may use afterwards. Each time you use the derma roller, the collagen building effects continue for weeks- smoothing stretch marks, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles.

Unlike other skin rejuvenating techniques, the derma roller doesn’t require downtime for healing. And, unlike chemical or laser peels, the derma roller can be used safely by women and men of color because it doesn’t affect skin pigmentation.

The Studies

In 1994, Dr. Philippe Simonin, a Swiss Dermatologist, performed a study on 600 people divided into two groups – the skin-aging group and the scar reduction group. Published results found that in the skin aging group there was a 40% significant improvement and an impressive 60% improvement in scar reduction group.

Another doctor, Dr. Andre Camirand, a plastic surgeon from Canada, found that skin needling improved the texture and depression of scars and also improved over-all skin color and texture. He also found this remodeling process can go on up to 12 months from each treatment.

Further study results by plastic surgeons and dermatologists claim in that addition to reducing the appearance of sun damage and wrinkles, (such as crows feet), skin needling can help lessen or remove stretch marks, cellulite, acne scars, surgical scars and smooth out pitted skin and dimpling.

In addition, it allows maximum absorption of your best wrinkle creams or any anti aging creams. Each rolling session can stimulate collagen to reduce wrinkles and scars – like a mini-instant face lift.

~ R. Dupree

Removing Blackheads and Comedones

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Eliminate blackheads and whiteheads

Blackheads are tiny, dark spots caused by a small plug in the opening of a follicle (pore) on the skin. Blackheads are also called open comedomes. A blackhead is a type of acne vulgaris. It is caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland ‘s duct. Blackheads are typically caused by excessive oil and makeup, which can facilitate the multiplication of the bacterium propionibacterium acnes, the predominant anaerobe of the normal skin flora. The substance found in these bumps mostly consists of keratin and modified sebum (an oily secretion of the sebaceous gland ), which darkens (resembling dirt) as it oxidizes.

If you suffer from blackheads or whiteheads and need to know which products are best. Look for non-comedogenic products – they are less likely to cause blackheads (called open comedones) or whiteheads (closed comedones). Most brands of make-up are non-comedogenic, which means they won’t clog your pores. If your skin is prone to acne or
especially sensitive, try to find products that are non-comedogenic, oil-free (water-based), hypoallergenic (unlikely to cause an allergic reaction) and fragrance free. It may be helpful to remove make-up before exercise, as the products can travel across the face through sweat and clog your pores. However, since no product is non-comedogenic for everybody, it’s a good idea to first test any new product on a small area of your own skin.

Blackheads are the slightly different sibling of pimples, and like pimples, squeezing them can be damaging. Composed of the same oil, or sebum, that contributes to the production of pimples, blackheads result from a building up of this oil in pores. The difference in appearance than that of a pimple is the result of the blackhead’s exposure to the air.
The oxidation (or darkening)  of the the oil causes the trademark black color of these blemishes.

While blackheads are more easily obscured by makeup, they can seem less offensive to the sufferer, and as a result, less damaging to squeeze. But squeezing is not good for blackheads. It can leave a permanent scar on skin and also leaves your skin open to infection. Comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) are caused by the densely packed skin cells. Comedones, commonly appear on the face and shoulders, but they may also develop on the trunk, arms, legs,
and buttocks. They are most common in teenagers but can occur at any age, even in infants.

Treatment for whiteheads and blackheads depends on the severity of the condition. Treatment may include lotions or gels placed on blemishes or sometimes entire areas of skin, such as the chest or back (topical medications). Oral medications, such as antibiotics, may be prescribed.

Causes of Blackheads

Blackheads are caused when excess skin oil, sebum and congesting toxins are expelled through your skin from the blood and lymph fluid that supplies your skin with nutrients. These congesting toxins combined with skin oil and sebum clogs your pores causing blackheads, whiteheads, and full blown acne. Dirt also plays a big role in developing skin blackheads. The dirt stored on the face or other parts of body help the bacteria to develop.

Symptoms of Blackheads

Blackheads and whiteheads are a combination of oils, sebum and cellular fragments that form firm to hard plugs within hair follicles. Blackheads are open to the skin’s surface and become darkened at the surface by exposure to oxygen (oxidation). They are called open comedones (or comedo, singular). Whiteheads are closed from the skin’s surface by
cellular debris at the follicle opening. Because they are closed from oxygen they do not oxidize or turn brown. They form a light or yellow-white lump and are called milia (or milium, singular). When bacteria is added to these plugs, the condition can lead to acne.

Treatment of of Blackheads

Mild cases of acne can be self-treated with over-the-counter topicals (applied to the skin) creams typically with benzoyl peroxide. Zinc Oxide is also a safe natural alternative to reduce infections. There are also a variety of different medications that your family physician might prescribe that come as creams, ointments, and pills. Some of the stronger medications for acne are not to be used if you are pregnant, so make sure you tell your doctor if this is a possibility. Most acne medications work by reducing the next “crop” of acne, so don’t get discouraged if the treatment does not work right away.

Home Remedy for Blackheads
1. In 3-4 cup boiled water, add 2 tsp of soda bicarbonate. Steam a towel with this. Thereafter, place the towel gently on your face. Do it for about 5-6 times. Make a paste by mixing 1 tsp curd and 1 tsp rice flour.  Apply the paste on the affected area. After some time, wash your face with cold water.

2. Take about 1 tsp of juice extracted from fresh coriander leaves and add ½ tsp of turmeric powder in it. Apply this mixture while going to bed. Wash your face the next morning with cold water.

3. Take a pinch of soft portion of glycerin soap and mix with a pinch of table salt. Apply this mixture on the blackheads. Do it for about a week and see the magical results.

4. Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide, etc. can be counter-productive to softening and dissolving blackheads and whiteheads as they can dehydrate dry, normal and combination skin

5. Make a paste by mixing 1 tsp limejuice and 1 tsp of finely powdered cinnamon. Apply it on the affected area before going to bed. Wash it off in the morning.

When looking over other strategies on how to remove blackheads, you want to make sure that you are not using your fingernails to squeeze. Your fingernails could be loaded with all kinds of bacteria, which could cause infections. If you do decide to squeeze, make sure you are properly cleaning and sterilizing your hands or using a tissue, to reduce the risk of infection.

Exercise caution. Squeezing a blackhead too much or too soon may lead to the rupturing of a blood vessel. Even though this is a rare occurrence, it can still happen. If you find this happening to you, do not continue to squeeze the blackhead because you may make it worse.

The Healing Properties of Aloe Vera

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By: Van Le |

The healing power of Aloe vera has been known for decades, dating back to the Egyptian era when it is believed that Cleopatra used it as a skincare remedy, and found in Greek history when it is believed that Alexander the Great used it to care for his army after battles.  Today, Aloe vera is widely used in many cosmetic products, anti-inflammatory creams, and some grocery store shelves even boast Aloe vera juice.

Aloe vera is a member of the succulent (water-retaining) plant family, and is also known as “lily of the desert” since researchers believe it originated in Africa.  There are over 250 known species of Aloe vera, and are relatively easy to care for, therefore increasing its popularity.  The spokes of Aloe vera plants are filled with a gel-like substance that is filled with a combination of enzymes, vitamins and minerals.  Dermatologists and cosmetic companies often extract the gel for use in their products.   Aloe vera is also considered an alternative treatment for high blood pressure and intestinal problems.

Aloe vera is a popular choice for the treatment of sunburn, since it contains a variety of enzymes and amino acids that are anti-inflammatory and speed up the skin’s healing process.  Many after-sun moisturizing creams contain Aloe, and for those who have access to actual Aloe plants, the gel can be applied directly on the affected area.

Aloe vera is a common ingredient in many cosmetic products, particularly anti-aging and anti-acne products due to its ability to generate healthier skin.  The combination of enzymes, vitamins and minerals in Aloe vera products increases oxygen flow, which toughens the skin tissues and provides protection from pollutants and dirt.  It also moisturizes the skin and increases its elasticity, which reduces wrinkles and signs of aging.  Used in conjunction with exfoliating products, Aloe vera can help control acne by helping shed dead skin cells and reduce redness.
Once Alternative, Now Mainstream

Not so long ago, herbal products or foods deemed “natural” were considered less than desirable by the mainstream public.  The Industrial Revolution not only changed the face of production and how we worked, it changed what we ate and used for our health.  Mass-produced, new chemical compounds in fancy packaging quickly replaced the ‘old-fashioned’ herbal remedies used by our grandmothers.

While Aloe vera never completely fell out of favor, by the 1970’s and 80’s use of medical plants and herbs to treat ailments and skin conditions was considered unconventional and provided mostly by naturalists and alternative therapists.

In the new millennium, science and technology have not proven to be the miracle we were expecting.  Today, modern science is re-discovering what our already ancestors knew.  Aloe vera and similar natural treatments provide vital healing, nourishing and regenerative qualities that no chemical lab can re-create.

The Dangers of Parabens in Cosmetic Products

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By: Van Le |
The cosmetic industry brings in billions of dollar annually, and every day, thousands of consumers meticulously search for the perfect shade of foundation, concealer, or powder to match our skin.  We analyze the front of the product, looking closely at the color, packaging, and eye-catching designs, but rarely look at the back of the products.  The few times that we turn the product over to look at the back labels, we often only read the directions for use and our eyes almost never make it down to the ingredients list.  Recent trends have pushed consumer awareness of potentially harmful cosmetic ingredients, specifically parabens.

Parabens are widely used as preservatives in cosmetic products, and they prevent the growth of microorganism such as mold and fungus.  They are esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and commonly labeled in beauty products as methylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparabens.  Parabens have been widely used in makeup without regulation since the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) does not have the authority to approve cosmetic products, however, there have been recent studies that suggest parabens may be linked to breast cancer.  The FDA notes that the Cosmetic Ingredient
Review, an industry-sponsored organizations that looks at the safety of cosmetic products, states that methyparaben, propylparaben, and butylparabin are all safe to when used alone up to 0.4%.  Companies that use parabens often use a combination of several parabens in their products, however, industry experts still insist that they are safe.  Companies often use parabens because they are cheap and extend the product’s shelf-life.

The Breast Cancer Fund is an organization dedicated to eliminating environmental factors that can lead to the disease, and according to its website, conducted a study in which high amounts of parabens have been extracted from biopsy samples of breast cancer tumors.  The website also states that  “parabens have also been found in almost all urine samples examined from a demographically diverse sample of U.S. adults,” suggesting that our skin absorbs the parabens.

As a result, organizations such as the Breast Cancer Fund are spearheading campaigns to increase consumer awareness and urge companies to eliminate parabens from their products.  “Think Before You Pink” is a campaign that reveals names of companies who claim to support the fight against breast cancer, but actually use ingredients that are linked to the disease in their products.

Since there is currently not enough scientific proof to show that parabens are harmful to the body, the FDA cannot ban its use, however, many consumers are taking the precautionary route by choosing products that contain natural ingredients.  The argument over the safety of products containing parabens continues. Although physical beauty is only skin deep, cosmetic products containing parabens can seep beyond the skin and harm our bodies.

Van Le is a staff writer for the CSU Daily Titan and writing intern for Vivoderm Laboratories in Los Angeles, California. She is currently pursuing a Journalism degree at California State University, Fullerton.

For the latest findings on natural skincare, you can also link to

What to Expect When Receiving a Facial

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By: Van Le

Proper skincare goes beyond wearing sunscreen in the morning and taking off all your makeup at night.  Your skin is constantly exposed to internal and external elements, and needs extra help in order maintain a healthy glow.  Getting facials can be one way to revamp your skin while pampering yourself.

Along with pure relaxation, facials provide not only beauty benefits but also health benefits.  According to New Life Journal’s article, “A facial, it’s more than meets the eye” by Julie Pagano, “the major health benefits of regular facials are regulation of the immune system, detoxification, reduction in fluid build-up, exfoliation, and stress relief. These benefits are achieved in a facial that incorporates lymphatic drainage, exfoliation treatments, acupressure, and aromatherapy.”
The health benefits are just the icing on the cake.  What really lures us in is the relaxation and pampering we receive when getting a facial.

Never had a facial before?  Consider this Facial 101.

Plan to arrive at the location five to ten minutes before your appointment.  Most places will ask you to fill out a short questionnaire about your skin type and skincare habits.  This would also be the right time to let the aesthetician be aware of any allergies you may have.   The spa will provide you with a terry top so that it is easier to massage your neck and shoulders.  You will also be given a headband to keep your hair out of the way.

The aesthetician will clean your face of any leftover makeup and analyze your skin under a magnifying glass light.  Some will use a steam mist to open your pores.  Depending on the type of facial you are getting, he/she will massage a wide variety of different cleansers, exfoliating creams, and masks on your face.  Some creams and masks will be left on your face for several minutes, which can be a very blissful and relaxing experience.

Most places will also extract blackheads and pimples, which can be a bit painful but not overwhelming.  (If you are afraid it will hurt, you should take a pain reliever before arriving at the spa).  Afterward, the aesthetician will continue to apply masks and creams, as well as massaging your neck and shoulders.  At the end of the facial, he/she will give you a breakdown of the products used during the session, make recommendations for at-home practices, and answer any questions you may have.

Essentially, all facials are designed to cleanse the deep pockets in your pores, however, depending on your specific needs, there are several types of facials available, including anti-aging, aromatherapy, and acne facials.  The cost and length of time can vary from $50-$250 and 30-90 minutes.

For the period in between visits, check the site archives for several at-home remedies available to help rejuvenate your skin and keep it looking healthy.

Facials are meant to help you relax and a great way to help relieve the stress created from between the time you put on sunscreen in the morning and the time you take your makeup off at night.

Van Le is a staff writer for the CSU Daily Titan and writing intern for Vivoderm Laboratories in Los Angeles, California. She is currently pursuing a Journalism degree at California State University, Fullerton.

For the latest findings on natural skincare, you can also link to