Natural Skin Care Products – Benefits of Marshmallow
As the Christmas season is upon us, many are warming up with hot cups of cocoa topped with marshmallows. But did you know that marshamallow is actually an HERB that is beneficial for your skin?
The marshmallow plant grows in wet and damp areas such as marshes and meadows. The leaves and roots of the plant have medicinal uses. They are dried and preserved for later use. The plant has been used for curing diseases for centuries. From chapped skin to sore throats it helps in healing many skin and health complications. Marshmallow is also considered great for irritated, chapped skin.
The powdered or shredded marshmallow herb is combined with water to form a paste. It is then spread on a clean cloth and then applied on the skin. However, now you don’t have to go into all that trouble as there are many natural skin care products in which you will find this ingredient.
Lab tests have confirmed that the root extracts of this plant has anti-inflammatory properties that act on the human tissue in treating scrapes, cuts, and other types of wounds and skin conditions. This product forms an integral ingredient in creams and ointments that are useful in curing bodily abscesses and acne. The root not only has anti-inflammatory properties but also aids in cell immunity. It also helps to soften the skin and giving it a smooth appearance. If you are looking for a natural product with marshmallow that will help to smooth your skin then you can try out Vivoderm’s anti aging mask.
This aging skin care product is absolutely miraculous. It contains no chemicals or preservatives and helps in skin repair and rejuvenation. The actual marshmallow herb is used in this product. Hence, you will be able to reap its benefits to the fullest as you get back smoother and younger-looking skin with its regular use.