Winter Foot Care with Vivoderm
For much of the country winter is in full swing. While we are bundled up, staying warm and wearing thick winter boots, the last thing we tend to think about is our feet. Taking care of your feet is just as important as your hands or face – since feet are the reason most people are able to perform their regular activities. Caring for your feet starts with wearing comfortable shoes. With proper footwear you will alleviate pain and help to avoid any kind of foot ailments like blisters or bunions. When wearing winter boots be sure to allow space for extra thick winter socks or tights. Once you have great fitting shoes you need to have a great foot care regimen as well. Since your precious tods are mostly covered up right now, you don’t need to worry much about expensive pedicures and designer polish – but it will help to give your feet some basic TLC. When spring finally does come around, your toes will be ready to shine.
An easy, weekly foot care regimen will be helpful for you to keep your feet smooth and soft. Use natural skin care products so that you can give your feet the best foot care possible. Remember, your skin absorbs 97% of the chemicals and ingredients it comes into contact with. Using natural ingredients and essential oils over chemicals will help maintain a healthy body too.
Begin your foot care regimen by soaking your feet in a tub of warm, soapy water. You can add creamy moisturizing soaps, sea salts, baking soda, and essential oils so that you can relax completely and moisturize your hard-working skin. Use a liquid soap which is made from natural elements. Then, use a loofah or a scrub brush over all foot surfaces to make your feet squeaky clean. Once there is no trace of dirt or bacteria, you can trim toenails with nail clippers and gently push back cuticles with a rubberized orange stick if needed. If you suffer from foot odor or excessive sweating, then use an anti-bacterial soap so that you can reduce bacteria and the smell that accompanies. Keep your toenails short so that there is no dirt accumulation. Essential oils like peppermint and rosemary are also excellent for reducing bacteria as they are mint-based, anti-microbial and create a nice refreshing tingling sensation. Soak and slough off dead skin for up to 20 minutes.
Once you have removed your feet from the bath, pat dry with a soft towel. For the last step, you need to moisturize so that you don’t have cracked or dry feet. The skin moisturizer should be applied to all areas of your feet and ankles so that it is absorbed by the feet skin completely. Among different natural moisturizing products opt for Vivoderm’s foot cream which is made of natural cocoa butter. It is very effective and leaves you with soft and smooth feet. The cocoa butter foot cream is a light and super-absorbent formula that also works well as a diabetic foot cream. Using the foot cream daily will help keep your feet baby smooth through the rest of winter. If you suffer from extremely cracked and dry feet then you can also add the Vivoderm intense moisturizer as a once a week treat. For extra absorption, apply moisturizer at bedtime then wear a clean pair of socks overnight as you sleep.
During the day, keeping your feet clean and dry as possible is essential for winter foot wear. Once your feet are back in boots, try to wear wool socks when possible to wick excess moisture away from your feet and keep your winter boots dry and fresh. For athlete’s foot, use a cornstarch or medicated foot powder daily.
With these simple steps, your feet will stay soft and fresh and ready for those summer sandals before you know it.