Posts Tagged ‘inflammation’

Treating and Preventing Sunburn

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Playing in the sun is not fun if you have to deal with sunburn afterward.  On long, hot summer days, we are all tempted to spend the day relaxing poolside or at the beach, and most of us have suffered the consequences of too much sun exposure.  The desire for the perfect golden tan can sometimes lead to sunburns, which is very harmful for the skin.  If you suffer from acne, a sunburn can further damage your skin and cause permanent scarring.Vivoderm Sun protection

Sunburn is a delayed inflammatory reaction when the skin is exposed to excessive ultraviolet radiation.  Symptoms of mild sunburn, including redness, tenderness and pain, often occur a few hours after exposure, and can last for several days.  The pain, itching and peeling is the skin’s reaction to excessive UVA and UVB ray exposure.  Although the skin needs time to heal, there are some remedies and treatments available to help the skin repair itself.

Get out of the sun

It may sound simple enough, but we often do not realize we are sunburned until it is too late. Since it is a delayed reaction, the full extent and severity of the burn may not appear until up to 12 hours after exposure.   Stop your sun exposure by seeking shade from trees, umbrellas, hats, etc.  Drink lots  of water, since sunburn causes dehydration.  Get some immediate relief for the pain by adding baking soda to a cool bath, and wear loose clothing that does not stick to the body.

Reduce the pain

Anti-inflammatory medicine such as Advil or Ibuprofen can help relieve the redness and pain associated with sunburn.  Aloe vera is a popular treatment for sunburn thanks to its ability to moisturize and repair the skin.  Apply a moisturizing cream containing Aloe vera, and if possible, apply the gel from the actual plant to the affected areas.  Once the burn heals, the skin will begin to peel and may become itchy.  Fight the temptation to pick and scratch, which can irritate the skin a slow the healing process.  Instead, keep the skin moisturized by applying a moisturizing lotion, which can reduce itching.

Prevent sunburn

The best way to deal with sunburn is to not get one.   Sunburn may only seem harmless and temporary, but can have lasting effects on the skin and overall health.  Serious sunburn can cause blisters, shock, lead to cancer and even death if left untreated.  Protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays by applying sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside.  Wear loose, protective clothing and avoid staying outside for too long during peak hours (10am to 4pm), when sunrays are harsh.  Choose a sunscreen with SPF of at least 30, and use sun-protection products that contain zinc oxide, an inorganic ingredient that can deflect UVA rays.  Try Vivoderm’s zinc cream, a natural product that can be used as a nontoxic sunscreen with 15% Zinc Oxide.

(2009 re-post) Van Le is a staff writer for the CSU Daily Titan and writing intern for Vivoderm Laboratories in Los Angeles, California. She is currently pursuing a Journalism degree at California State University, Fullerton.

Benefits of Using Zinc Cream

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One of the latest trends in sun protection and skin healing is zinc oxide. You might remember this from the days at the beach, or the local swimming pool with lifegurads who wore white cream on their nose or face to protect them from hours and hours in the sun.  Well, today’s zinc cream has advanced into microscopic particals that are hardly noticable, but still have the same benfits.

Zinc oxide is a powdery white mineral that is used in many cosmetics. The mineral dissolves in acidic environment but is not soluble in water, hence making it an excellent sun block for your skin as a barrier against sweat and perspiration. This is why it is used as one of the primary ingredients in sunscreen lotions. Zinc oxide when applied topically can also have many benefits for the skin along with acting as a natural sun block.

Zinc is a natural sun block
A natural choice for sun protection and acne

One of the many benefits of zinc cream is quick wound healing. It promotes fast healing in treating any type of sores, bug bites or lacerations, surgical incisions, burns, skin ulcers and other skin irritations. As a mineral, usually found in our food and vitamins, Zinc is required by the body for collagen synthesis and is essential for healing wounds. It is also a component for the proper functioning of enzymes which are needed to repair wounds in the skin.

Zinc skin care cream has a mild astringent property which acts as a drying agent. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps in tightening body tissues. Zinc oxide creams aids in soothing itching and skin rashes.

Another benefit that zinc oxide offer is prevention and treatment of acne. The skin cream helps in healing blemishes and reducing inflammation. It helps in regulating the skin’s oil gland and hence stops acne breakouts.

Zinc cream is one of the safest ingredients that are used for protecting the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin and damage the skin tissue. ANY sun rays speed up the aging process of the skin create wrinkles and dark spots.

Sunscreens and moisturizers containing zinc oxide help to filter out the rays and prevent this occurrence of cell damage.

The Vivoderm zinc repairing facial cream can help prevent sun damage, premature wrinkles and inflammation. It is a natural facial cream which is infused with Vitamin A and E. It also contains the anti-inflammatory properties of Comfrey and Chamomile. This cream helps to maintain the moisture level in the skin and diminishes the visible signs of aging. The Zinc oxide present in the cream is essential for healing and tissue growth. It is also used as a sun block and for treating acne.

So, if you are looking for a great overall skin moisturizer with the benefits of sun protection and anti-acne properties, you would most likely benfit from the Vivoderm zinc repairing facial cream.


Skin Rashes – Where Do They Come From?

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A skin rash shows up as an area of inflammation or change in the texture, and/ or color of your skin. It can be caused by a number of different things including irritation, disease, or allergic/ non-allergic reactions to foods, chemicals, plants, animals, insects or other environmental factors.

So many rashes appear because the skin is an active player in the immune system. Antigens are things like viruses or proteins that we react to. These antigens need to be presented to our immune system in a very controlled way; otherwise we would react to too many things. The skin is the site at which antigen presenting cells introduce the antigens to lymphocytes. These lymphocytes are in a sense the paratroopers of our body. A complicated process of making sure that we are not overreacting takes place. All of this occurs in the skin once these lymphocytes have been activated they produce many chemicals that cause inflammation. When we become allergic to an antibiotic or other drug, the action takes place mainly in the skin as well as in the lymph glands. Viral infections also frequently produce rashes as viral particles are presented to our immune system in the epidermis. In a sense the skin is like the schoolyard which is where many of the fights occur.

Rashes can appear on your entire body or be limited to a specific area, and what it looks like and how it feels can vary depending on the cause and type of rash. Some common types of rashes include:

  • eczema (also called atopic dermatitis), which is commonly seen in children. It can cause dry, chapped, bumpy areas around your elbows and knees, and can be very itchy. It can sometimes become very serious causing red, scaly and swollen skin all over your body. (Visit Eczema for more information)
  • irritant contact dermatitis, which is caused by your skin coming into contact with something that irritates it, such as a chemical, soap or detergent. This type of rash can be red, swollen and itchy.
  • allergic contact dermatitis is caused by your skin coming into contact with something you’re allergic to, such as rubber, hair dye or nickel (which is a metal that is found in some jewelry). A nickel allergy can show up as a red, scaly, crusty rash wherever the jewelry touched your skin. Urushiol, which is an oil or resin that’s found in poison ivy, oak and sumac, can also cause this kind of rash.

If you develop a rash, don’t scratch it! If you do, the rash can take longer to heal and you might develop an infection or scar. There are a wide range of over-the-counter products available to treat rashes, but it’s important to see your doctor first and determine what’s causing the rash and the most effective treatment.

  • If the rash is caused by an allergy, then treatment will focus on identifying and avoiding the allergen.
  • It it’s caused by eczema, your doctor may suggest special moisturizers (emollients) to help retain the water in your skin; not only will this help to keep your skin soft and smooth, it will help reduce the itching. Short, cool showers are also a good idea because hot showers and baths can dry out your skin more. Also use a mild soap and be sure to apply more emollients after you’ve showered.
  • For poison ivy, cool showers and calamine lotion often help and if the rash is severe, your doctor may prescribe an antihistamine to reduce the itching and redness.

It’s important to try to find out what’s causing the rash because the best way to prevent it is to avoid the problem food, substance, medicine or insect. If a poison plant is your problem, learn what it looks like and avoid it. It may also help to wear long sleeves and pants when you go camping or hiking. If insect bites are causing your rash, then consider applying insect repellant before going outside. For eczema, stay away from harsh soaps that may dry out your skin, and make an effort to moisturize with creams or lotions.
