Posts Tagged ‘anti-aging’

Natural Skin Care to Prevent Premature Aging

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Aging is a normal process of life and the evidence of aging shows on our skin. As we age skin begins to thin, dry and dull due to slow cell turn over. New skin cells do not grow as quickly, resulting in thinning skin. As a result, dead skin cells shed less quickly making the appearance of the skin dull and dry. Collagen and elastin-the system of fibers that make skin firm and elastic-begin to break down, resulting in sagging and wrinkles. Pigmentation is more prominent as we age when melanocytes, (which produce skin pigment) begin to produce irregularly. Research has shown there are two different factors in aging; intrinsic or internal and extrinsic or external.

Beautiful Skin Care

Natural Facial Skin Care

Intrinsic aging, the natural course of aging, has to do with genes and inheritance. Natural aging begins at birth; however, signs of aging begin to appear on the skin in our mid 20’s. Intrinsic aging includes slower cell turn over, and less collagen production. Elastin begins to break down which acts like a rubber band enabling our skin to stretch and snap back. Visible signs of intrinsic skin aging include fine lines, loss of suppleness, dry and thin skin.

Extrinsic aging are the external factors that age the skin. These include sun exposure, health and diet, gravity, sleeping positions, smoking, drinking and even facial expressions. External factors cause premature aging to the skin and can become visible rather quickly.

While intrinsic factors are mostly uncontrollable, fortunately, extrinsic aging is controllable. Skin aging is a normal process however, premature aging of the skin can be prevented. A healthy lifestyle, yearly physical exams and topical care of the skin can prevent premature aging. A healthy, active life style will create healthy, strong skin from the outside in, preventing premature aging. Physical exams may catch early signs of skin damage that then can be treated. Topical skin care allows the skin to absorb ingredients through topical products that aid in building the epidermis and dermal layers of skin, the skin that is and will become visible. Topical care includes skin care products such as cleansers, moisturizers, serums and sunscreens.

Cleansing and toning

Cleansing and toning

To prevent premature aging is to treat your skin as one of a kind. There are many different skin types, meaning what one person is doing to take care of their skin is not necessarily what you need to be doing to treat your skin. However, the most important products to aid in preventing premature aging are cleansers, exfoliates, moisturizers with hydrators and sunscreens. Cleansers will cleanse the skin clearing excess oil, dirt and debris. Exfoliates will slough off dead skin, deep clean pores and result in smoother more even skin tone. Moisturizers with hydrators will keep the skin supple and moist, while sunscreen will help to protect the skin from sun damage. It is also important to consider skin care products that include essential oils and antioxidants to help fight off free radicals that can further damage skin cells. Always consult a dermatologist before starting any skin care routine.

By Tiffany Oney

Tiffany Oney is a licensed esthetician, professional makeup artist and natural skincare authority. She is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Communications Studies California State University, Long Beach and interning with Vivoderm Natural Skincare in Los Angeles, California.

Popular Herbs Used in Skin Care and Their Benefits

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Popular Herbs Used in Skin Care and Their Benefits: Chamomile, Aloe Vera, Lavender and Rosemary

Today skin care and cosmetics are increasingly going natural. You may have heard that herbs and oils are commonly used in skin care and cosmetics; but, you may not know why or what purpose they serve. why, and what do the do? Four very common and popular herbs that are used in the form of oil or gels are chamomile, Aloe Vera, lavender, and rosemary. All provide unique benefits for the skin and body.

The benefits of chamomile for the skin and body range from calming effects to healing. Recent and on-going research has identified chamomile’s

chamomile herb

chamomile herb

specific benefits as anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-allergenic. Chamomile is most often recognized as an herbal tea; however, chamomile is present in many skin care products. Chamomile’s active ingredients extracted from the flower are essential oils and flavonoids. Essential oils help to calm and relax irritated skin. Essential oils have also been found to be beneficial to treat and sooth acne prone skin. Flavonoids – or plant metabolites- are rich in anti oxidants that help the body repair and heal damaged skin, as well as fight free radicals, which create damage to bodily cells. Chamomile has few side effects and is effective and beneficial to the skin topically or if ingested.

Aloe Vera contains numerous, minerals, vitamin, enzymes, and natural sugars that help with inflammation. Aloe Vera is commonly known for its healing properties, which explains its popular use in skin care. Aloe Vera aids in the healing of skin burns and cuts and moisturizes and softens skin. Aloe Vera is used in skin care products to help with dry sensitive skin as the plant has unique healing and soothing properties. Taken internally, Aloe Vera has been found to regulate digestion, which in turn builds healthy skin from the inside out. Aloe Vera is available as a gel, spray, lotion, juice, cream and in the form of a capsule. Aloe Vera is most commonly found in skin care gels or creams.

Lavender has many uses in skin care that include aiding skin repair, stimulating cell growth, reducing inflammation, preventing scarring and pigmentation, regulating oil production, and reducing pain. Lavender also works as antiseptic or antibacterial agent and is considered an essential oil. Due to its extensive benefits to the skin, lavender is often found in skin care formulated to treat acne prone skin.

Rosemary can be used as an essential oil just like chamomile and lavender. Rosemary and lavender are actually found in the same herbal family.

rosemary skin care

rosemary skin care

Rosemary tones the skin, helping to even out skin tone and texture, while reliving dryness. Rosemary strengthens capillaries and is good to use on aging skin. Rosemary is found in skin care cleansers, toners and creams.

There are many other herbs used in skin care and cosmetics today-most in the form of essential oils or extracts- and all can have different or positive effects on the skin and body. Herbs and oils have been used to heal for many centuries and now are being utilized for safe, natural ways to treat skin conditions and maintain a healthy complexion.

by Tiffany Oney

Natural Facial Skin Care and Tips for Dry Skin

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3311533919_55b471b395A contributing factor to dry, flaky, skin in winter is a drop in temperature. Although winter sometimes feels damp, there is usually less water in the air than on your skin and that creates a moisture vapour loss from the skin. As skin becomes drier, its surface layer stops producing the natural lipids which prevent moisture loss, and water cannot be retained so easily. Dry skin will also show wrinkles more easlit and contribute to an aging appearance.

Herbalist Greta Breedlove came up with this natural homemade skin care recipes face utilizing the seed of the avocado. It makes a moisturizing face scrub, especially for dry skin.


Let an avocado dry a few days until you can remove the skin easily. Chop, then pulverize in a blender or food mill. Moisten with a little milk and smooth over your face, throat.


One egg yolk, beaten until light and frothy
1/2 cup milk
1/2 avacado, peeled and mashed

Beat the mixture with a fork until you have a thin cream or lotion consistency. Apply with cotton balls as you would a cleanser.

As a result of all these factors, sometimes skin on the face and body tends to be in worse condition in the winter months than at other times of the year. In extreme cases, a constant drying effect can even lead to cracking, flaking and redness.

These four tips for helping to keep dry skin at bay during the colder months come from Dr. Kucy Pon, Olay dermatologist.

1. A moisturizer is essential – A moisturizer performs several important functions, including replacing lost water. Water-binding ingredients, such as glycerin, help keep it in the skin.

2. Create an oasis – Put some moisture back into the air by using a humidifier in your home or office. It will counteract the drying effects of indoor heat.

3. Drink lots of water – Increase your body’s natural moisture level by staying hydrated throughout the day.

4. Keep wrapped up – Dress for the season and try to limit your skin’s exposure to harsh temperatures and damaging winds.

If you have dry skin, then you probably already know it can be really difficult to care for. When you don’t look after it properly, it can become flaky, and if it gets really bad, may even become irritated and red. Although it’s possible to find plenty of products that claim to be able to solve dry skin problems, unfortunately most of their claims are sales hype.

Although most over the counter products don’t do much to combat dry skin, there are a number of things you can do to improve the condition of your skin. It’s mostly a question of making some basic changes to your daily skincare routine. It won’t take long for your skin to appear more healthy and vibrant.

With dry skin, you have completely the opposite problem to someone with oily skin. Basically, your skin is suffering from a lack of sebum, the oil that helps to keep the skin moist and supple. People with oily skin produce far too much sebum. Sebum is actually made from skin cells, and is an essential ingredient in healthy, supple skin. Because dry skin has insufficient oil, you need to replace it from both inside and outside.

5.  Moisturize

One of the best things you can do for your skin is to use a good quality moisturizer. Choose a cream that is rich, but not heavy. Consider choosing a natural cream with aloe vera and chamomile. Both these ingredients are very soothing, as well as helping to reduce dryness and improve the skin’s healing abilities.

6. Choose Healthy Foods

You also need to look at the type of foods you eat. It’s important to choose healthy foods, because the healthier your body, the healthier your skin will be. You may not realize this, but your skin is actually the largest organ of your body. So it needs to be nourished just like all the other organs in your body.

7.  Supplement

Depending on the types of food you already eat, you might need to consider taking a supplement, such as Vitamin E, Omega-3 oils and B-Complex vitamins. Making sure you get enough of these important nutrients is a great way to improve the condition of your skin.

By nourishing your skin in all these ways, you should soon a marked reduction in the level of dryness. Helping your skin to be more supple and moist also helps to slow down the process of aging, so you’re the winner in two ways.

By Tom Turner

Natural Skincare and Lifestyle Tips to Age Gracefully

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Ahh aging. That all-time nemesis of the twenty-first century.  Everywhere you go, people are trying to look younger. We buy all sorts of high-tech anti aging skincare products, try exercise regimes, new workouts, spending hundreds or even thousands on spa treatments, facials and invasive surgical procedures.  Just so they can look 5 to 10 years younger.  And what is the bottom line? WHY are we all trying to erase the signs of our maturity and experiences? Many blame media or modern culture for putting such a high value on youth and vigor that all other valuable attributes have simply slipped away. Indeed, we see evidence of this all too often – from the workplace that lets their oldest employee go for “budgetary” reasons, to the new dating trend preference of of choosing someone 10 to 20 years your junior.

Maybe it’s the inevitable fear of death that keeps most of us clinging to our years already gone by, but our society looses so much of its value and wisdom by simply paying attention to the surface appearance. Doesn’t it make more sense to take care of yourself as best as you can and age gracefully – without regret or expensive ‘restoration work’?

Of course, most of us would all like to live longer and have a better quality of life. To have the gift of good health in your later years, it makes sense to take care of yourself in your youth. Here are some common-sense lifestyle tips and natural remedies to help grow old youthfully.

Drink More Water

Water makes up approximately 60% of the human body, and there is water in every cell of the body. We cannot survive without water for longer than a few days. With age our sense of thirst gradually diminishes, and the water content of body decreases so many elderly people are somewhat dehydrated. Dehydration is linked to allergies, hypertension, general aches and pains and of course, bad digestion.
Use Organic or Natural Skincare Products

Natural skin care goes beyond the application of products on one’s skin. It also pertains to a holistic philosophy surrounding the care of one’s body. This includes the belief that what is ingested will affect all aspects of health, including the health of skin. People who use natural skin care products are less concerned with artificial beauty enhancements, as they feel that natural beauty is healthy beauty.

Some examples of natural skin care ingredients include jojoba, safflower oil, rose hip seed oil, shea butter, beeswax, witch hazel, aloe vera, tea tree oil, and chamomile. Many of these natural ingredient combinations can be tailored specifically to the individual’s skin type or skin condition.

Eat Healthily

Easier said than done for some, but a healthy diet is essential to your well-being. The old saying “You are what you eat” rings true when we see the rise in dietary related diseases. Don’t be caught digging your grave with your teeth. A balanced diet of fresh, whole (non-processed), organic and preferably raw food should be a large part of your diet.

Basic Guidelines For A Simplified Balanced Diet

* Avoid white flour products
* Eat whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, millet etc.
* Avoid sugar – rather use honey, agave, xylitol or stevia.
* Eat a variety of legumes (beans, lentils etc.)
* Avoid all hydrogenated fats (margarine etc.)
* Avoid fried foods
* Include low-starch vegetables preferably eaten raw.
* Include foods rich in omega-3 fats.
* Include low-fat, organic protein sources (fish, spirulina, organic whey protein, quinoa)
* Include fresh organic fruit (especially from the super food range) and raw nuts.
* Avoid colourants, flavourants, preservatives and artificial sweeteners.

Whole foods are better than processed. Refined foods result in both a measurable loss of nutrients and an unbalanced food, which creates imbalance in the body when eaten. Living food (such as fresh fruit and vegetables) are more nutritious and better than “dead food” (such as canned foods). Foods grown in “live soil” (organic food) is better than food grown in “sterile soil”. This has largely depleted trace minerals in foods.

How Does Eating Sugar Make You Old?

Eating sugar causes your body to secrete high levels of insulin. Insulin and the stress hormone, cortisol, are two hormones that can dramatically speed up the aging process. Sugar depresses the immune system; it contributes to atherosclerosis, and it causes oxidative stress by creating AGEs (advanced glycosylated end-products). These accumulate in body tissues such as the skin (causing age spots), arteries, kidneys and brain. In other words, eating sugar makes you old.

Do Exercise

Exercise is one of your key weapons in the fight against premature aging. Medical studies prove time and time again that physical exercise is a key factor in the
prevention of chronic disease as well as beneficial for mental function. The main benefit of exercise is the increased oxygen to the brain, heart and other organs which in turn increases their well-being and functioning. Bouncing on a mini-trampoline is a well recommended form of exercise that can be done in the comfort of your own home and at a time that suits your schedule.


The body detoxifies itself naturally through the skin and other organs of elimination. Assist your body with its cleansing ability by making some lifestyle changes. You need to minimize your exposure to external toxins: changes like drinking pure water, eating organic food, avoiding sources of air pollution and exposure to tobacco, and limiting consumption of alcohol, preservatives, caffeine, sugar and processed foods.

Simple measures like bathing daily, dry brushing, exercising, keeping hydrated, supplementing with herbal remedies that support the organs (like milk thistle for the liver), deep breathing and eating healthily are good routines to follow.

Get Some Sunshine

Natural Vitamin D is another key weapon in the pursuit of good health and longevity. Sunlight is the best form of Vitamin D and its levels in the body affects the entire body. Modern science is now realizing that vitamin D does more than just aid the absorption of calcium and bone formation. It is also involved in multiple repair and maintenance functions, touches hundreds of different genes, and helps to fight infection by regulating the immune system. Vitamin D deficiency is a growing epidemic across the world and contributes to many chronic debilitating diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and depression, as well as cognitive impairment in older people. Avoid synthetic Vitamin D2 in supplements like fortified foods as high doses have been found to be toxic.

Get More Sleep

Good quality sleep is essential, in fact some say that it’s the best anti-aging tool. While we sleep,the body “recharges” and repairs. The 24-hour circadian rhythm is our internal clock and governs the body’s functions.. This clock helps the body to adapt to the time of day and to environmental changes. Studies have shown a co-dependency between the circadian clock and the body’s metabolism and cellular performance. Disrupted sleep patterns can adversely affect health especially mental health. Some effects include short-term memory loss and impaired creativity as well as weight gain or loss and an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease. Lack of sleep weakens the immune system and may cause decreased production of melatonin, which is produced by the brain during sleep.

Take pleasure in living healthily and make good choices in nutrition, exercise, weight management, mental attitude, work and relationships. This will stand you in good stead for your later years.

1. Science Daily March 19, 2009: How Your Body Clock Regulates Your Metabolism.



4. Bland JS. Improving Genetic Expression in the Prevention of the Disease of Aging – A Functional Medicine Approach to Anti-aging Medicine. Gig Harbour, WA:
HealthComm Intl, 1998

5. Grossman T. The Baby Boomer’s Guide to Living Forever. Golden, CO: Hubristic Press, 2000:127

Overexposure to the Sun and Wrinkles

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The old saying “youth is wasted on the young,” has a good foundation. Not until we are much older, do we realize the gravity of our choices when we are young. This goes for skin care as well. Young people often undermine the importance of a good skincare regimen. Proof of that are the numerous swarms of teens tanning on the beaches and by the pool or skipping sunscreen altogether when they engage in outdoor activities.  Little did they know that wrinkled, loose skin will be their ultimate problem when they get older.

One of the major causes of loose, wrinkled skin is overexposure to the sun. The sun’s UV rays are harmful to the functions of our skin. It impedes our production of collagen and elastin thereby increasing our risk of developing wrinkles and saggy skin.

The effects of the sun do not stop there. You are also at risk of developing brown age spots and even skin cancer. Start reversing the damage by slapping on moisturizer with a high SPF level when you go outdoors. You should collect cosmetics and beauty products that contain a safe, natural SPF to make sure you are fully protected. Zinc Oxide is a great natural alternative to chemical-based sunscreens – providing a natural sun-reflector instead of a chemical ‘block’ that can be absorbed into the skin.

As for tightening loose skin, you have to choose a product that contains ingredients effective in bringing about a healthier level of collagen and elastin as these are the two components commonly lost when there is a loosening of skin.

Look for natural skin care treatments that contain only herbal, natural ingredients, like Aloe vera – to reduce sun damage and help heal skin or Chamomile – to reduce inflammation. Always use key ingredients that can heal your skin and help improve its production of healthy collagen and elastin. Using natural sun protection or a zinc-based moisturizer is your ally in firming up loose skin and warding off the development of wrinkles.

Women at the age of 35 should also protect their hyaluronic acid content as this is the age that we lose hyaluronic acid rapidly. It is imperative to safeguard hyaluronic acid because this promotes a healthier and younger-looking skin.

Make sure what you are using also contains beneficial essential oils like grape seed oil and avocado oil. Grape seed oil, apart from promoting skin elasticity, also contains antioxidants that can kill harmful free radicals. Avocado oil, on the other hand, is replete with all the necessary vitamins and minerals that can improve the immune functions of our skin.

Take all these in consideration and make sure you choose a facial cream carefully. After all, time here is of the essence.

And for clearer, younger looking skin, your anti aging skin care range of products should contain more natural active ingredients than any other “drug-store” brand, so be sure to read those labels carefully. Those ingredients like Aloe Vera, Almond Oil, Cocoa Butter, and Shea Butter are effective moisturizers, because they penetrate deeply to “nourish” the skin. So, they never feel greasy and come from natural sources less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Also be aware to shop for natural products that report no negative or adverse effects. Skin care prodcuts that are hypo-allergenic, fragrance free and can be used on any skin-type are best.

The Derma Roller Skin Treatments

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What is the Derma Roller or Skin Needling?

Recently, while walking around at the 2009 Beauty Expo in Long Beach, CA, I noticed a large number of booths selling these small rolling devices, covered with many short needles. Curious whether these were new parenting tools to scare unruly children or for skincare, I decided to research it further. The cosmetic representatives claimed these new facial rollers could increase collagen production and reduce wrinkles.

The derma roller is a very small rolling device that contains 192 micro points made of surgical steel. While it goes by different names, ‘skin needling,’ ‘dermaroller,’ or ‘meso roller,’ among many others, it appears to be a simple and natural method that promises to prevent skin aging, restore collagen, smooth out scars, pitted skin, and stretch marks – or your money back in some cases.

Research On Skin Needling

The skin needling device is used along with your normal skincare routine to remove acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, fine lines. Representatives say it can even help with big pores, black heads, and white heads. This micro needling or skin needling anti-aging technique is also used to perform collagen induction therapy (CIT). Studies show that when this device is rolled over the skin, it creates small puncture wounds which cause the body to produce collagen in an attempt to heal the skin. Our collagen production falls dramatically after about age 35 or so.

How the Derma Roller Works

Published instructions say when you roll this device over the skin it creates small puncture wounds into the top layer of the skin. This puncturing will then cause a type of wound-healing reaction for the dermal layer to begin production of collagen fibers, elastin, and other skin cells that helps to fill in lines, wrinkles, remove stretch marks and fill in deep pitted scars – also allowing the derma roller to be a great acne scar treatment.

In addition, the derma roller allows for optimum absorption of any anti-aging cream you may use afterwards. Each time you use the derma roller, the collagen building effects continue for weeks- smoothing stretch marks, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles.

Unlike other skin rejuvenating techniques, the derma roller doesn’t require downtime for healing. And, unlike chemical or laser peels, the derma roller can be used safely by women and men of color because it doesn’t affect skin pigmentation.

The Studies

In 1994, Dr. Philippe Simonin, a Swiss Dermatologist, performed a study on 600 people divided into two groups – the skin-aging group and the scar reduction group. Published results found that in the skin aging group there was a 40% significant improvement and an impressive 60% improvement in scar reduction group.

Another doctor, Dr. Andre Camirand, a plastic surgeon from Canada, found that skin needling improved the texture and depression of scars and also improved over-all skin color and texture. He also found this remodeling process can go on up to 12 months from each treatment.

Further study results by plastic surgeons and dermatologists claim in that addition to reducing the appearance of sun damage and wrinkles, (such as crows feet), skin needling can help lessen or remove stretch marks, cellulite, acne scars, surgical scars and smooth out pitted skin and dimpling.

In addition, it allows maximum absorption of your best wrinkle creams or any anti aging creams. Each rolling session can stimulate collagen to reduce wrinkles and scars – like a mini-instant face lift.

~ R. Dupree

Natural Facial Masks and Home Recipes

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Today, there are so many facial treatments available, it’s hard to know what to choose.  What will cause a reaction, what might cause a breakout?  There are many great facial masks and treatments such as face lifts, chemical peels, botox, laser resurfacing and others, but many are expensive, can be risky, while some offer only a short term result.  If you want to really remove wrinkles and have healthier, glowing skin you need to use natural remedies and creams to help you improve your overall facial look.

Some of the basic things you need to know to avoid wrinkles is to: use sun protection, have a healthy diet, avoid stress, have proper sleep, eat your fruits and vegetables, take vitamins and drink plenty of water.

As an alternative to more expensive spa treatments, using some home remedies for skin care can also be very helpful in improving the health of your skin naturally. For example you can use a natural anti wrinkle face mask or a skin brightening mask.

Below are some ingredients and different types of facial masks that you can make at home:

Honey Mask
Egg cream mask
Cornflour mask
Apple facial mask
Egg white olive oil face mask
Egg white lemon mask
Banana Mask
Egg white cucumber min anti wrinkle face mask
Papaya cream face pack
Peach lemon face pack

Let’s start with the honey anti wrinkle mask

You will need:

1 and a half tbsp honey, half tsp carrot juice, and a pinch of baking soda

You then mix honey and juice of carrots, apply it and leave it on your face for 20 minutes. Remove with a cotton wool (or wash cloth) soaked with warm water with a pinch of baking soda added.

DIY Green-Papaya Brightening Mask

Enrich and beatify your skin with honey, yogurt,and papaya.  Well, this is a great recipe to feed your skin the beauty it needs.

1/2 cup unripe papaya, diced
1 teaspoon plain yogurt
1 teaspoon raw honey

1 large glass or ceramic bowl
1 bath towel
1 small spray bottle

1. You will need ½ cup of unripe, diced papaya. This contains natural alpha-hydroxy acids and high levels of
papain, an enzyme that helps dissolve dead skin cells.

2. 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt. The yogurt adds lactic acid (another alpha-hydroxy) and gives the mask a creamy texture.

3. 1 teaspoon of raw honey helps the skin to retain moisture.

4. Blend the ingredients in a food processor until smooth. Apply to clean skin using fingers; leave on for 8 to 10 minutes. When left on, the mask should tingle slightly. If you have sensitive skin or prefer a gentler exfoliation, use ripe papaya, which has less papain. Rinse off using cool water and pat dry. Finish by applying a gentle moisturizer.

There are infinite varieties of  cosmetic face masks that can help as well.

Clay face masks, are great for oily skin, it detoxifies, opens up clogged pores and remove blackheads.

Firming Masks, massaging in the contours of your face will firm up your skin.

Radiance masks, use vitamins and add glow to lifeless skin.

Hydrating face masks, or Anti-Aging Masks, moisturize dry skin

You have to choose what is best for your skin, based on your skin type. A homemade mask can be very useful and easy to do with simple natural ingredients that you can find at home. If “cooking” is not your thing, then try out some of the more natural options on the market for facial masks and treatments. Don’t forget to ask for samples as well!  Natural anti aging face masks with organic ingredients can do wonders to restore your fresh facial look and return reduce wrinkles.

The Healing Properties of Aloe Vera

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By: Van Le |

The healing power of Aloe vera has been known for decades, dating back to the Egyptian era when it is believed that Cleopatra used it as a skincare remedy, and found in Greek history when it is believed that Alexander the Great used it to care for his army after battles.  Today, Aloe vera is widely used in many cosmetic products, anti-inflammatory creams, and some grocery store shelves even boast Aloe vera juice.

Aloe vera is a member of the succulent (water-retaining) plant family, and is also known as “lily of the desert” since researchers believe it originated in Africa.  There are over 250 known species of Aloe vera, and are relatively easy to care for, therefore increasing its popularity.  The spokes of Aloe vera plants are filled with a gel-like substance that is filled with a combination of enzymes, vitamins and minerals.  Dermatologists and cosmetic companies often extract the gel for use in their products.   Aloe vera is also considered an alternative treatment for high blood pressure and intestinal problems.

Aloe vera is a popular choice for the treatment of sunburn, since it contains a variety of enzymes and amino acids that are anti-inflammatory and speed up the skin’s healing process.  Many after-sun moisturizing creams contain Aloe, and for those who have access to actual Aloe plants, the gel can be applied directly on the affected area.

Aloe vera is a common ingredient in many cosmetic products, particularly anti-aging and anti-acne products due to its ability to generate healthier skin.  The combination of enzymes, vitamins and minerals in Aloe vera products increases oxygen flow, which toughens the skin tissues and provides protection from pollutants and dirt.  It also moisturizes the skin and increases its elasticity, which reduces wrinkles and signs of aging.  Used in conjunction with exfoliating products, Aloe vera can help control acne by helping shed dead skin cells and reduce redness.
Once Alternative, Now Mainstream

Not so long ago, herbal products or foods deemed “natural” were considered less than desirable by the mainstream public.  The Industrial Revolution not only changed the face of production and how we worked, it changed what we ate and used for our health.  Mass-produced, new chemical compounds in fancy packaging quickly replaced the ‘old-fashioned’ herbal remedies used by our grandmothers.

While Aloe vera never completely fell out of favor, by the 1970’s and 80’s use of medical plants and herbs to treat ailments and skin conditions was considered unconventional and provided mostly by naturalists and alternative therapists.

In the new millennium, science and technology have not proven to be the miracle we were expecting.  Today, modern science is re-discovering what our already ancestors knew.  Aloe vera and similar natural treatments provide vital healing, nourishing and regenerative qualities that no chemical lab can re-create.

What to Expect When Receiving a Facial

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By: Van Le

Proper skincare goes beyond wearing sunscreen in the morning and taking off all your makeup at night.  Your skin is constantly exposed to internal and external elements, and needs extra help in order maintain a healthy glow.  Getting facials can be one way to revamp your skin while pampering yourself.

Along with pure relaxation, facials provide not only beauty benefits but also health benefits.  According to New Life Journal’s article, “A facial, it’s more than meets the eye” by Julie Pagano, “the major health benefits of regular facials are regulation of the immune system, detoxification, reduction in fluid build-up, exfoliation, and stress relief. These benefits are achieved in a facial that incorporates lymphatic drainage, exfoliation treatments, acupressure, and aromatherapy.”
The health benefits are just the icing on the cake.  What really lures us in is the relaxation and pampering we receive when getting a facial.

Never had a facial before?  Consider this Facial 101.

Plan to arrive at the location five to ten minutes before your appointment.  Most places will ask you to fill out a short questionnaire about your skin type and skincare habits.  This would also be the right time to let the aesthetician be aware of any allergies you may have.   The spa will provide you with a terry top so that it is easier to massage your neck and shoulders.  You will also be given a headband to keep your hair out of the way.

The aesthetician will clean your face of any leftover makeup and analyze your skin under a magnifying glass light.  Some will use a steam mist to open your pores.  Depending on the type of facial you are getting, he/she will massage a wide variety of different cleansers, exfoliating creams, and masks on your face.  Some creams and masks will be left on your face for several minutes, which can be a very blissful and relaxing experience.

Most places will also extract blackheads and pimples, which can be a bit painful but not overwhelming.  (If you are afraid it will hurt, you should take a pain reliever before arriving at the spa).  Afterward, the aesthetician will continue to apply masks and creams, as well as massaging your neck and shoulders.  At the end of the facial, he/she will give you a breakdown of the products used during the session, make recommendations for at-home practices, and answer any questions you may have.

Essentially, all facials are designed to cleanse the deep pockets in your pores, however, depending on your specific needs, there are several types of facials available, including anti-aging, aromatherapy, and acne facials.  The cost and length of time can vary from $50-$250 and 30-90 minutes.

For the period in between visits, check the site archives for several at-home remedies available to help rejuvenate your skin and keep it looking healthy.

Facials are meant to help you relax and a great way to help relieve the stress created from between the time you put on sunscreen in the morning and the time you take your makeup off at night.

Van Le is a staff writer for the CSU Daily Titan and writing intern for Vivoderm Laboratories in Los Angeles, California. She is currently pursuing a Journalism degree at California State University, Fullerton.

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The Benefits of Anti Aging Facial Masks

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Skin wrinkles are caused by two main factors: heredity and the environment. There is little you can do about heredity and the natural aging process, but there is something you can do about the other causes. Pollution in the environment, sun exposure and stress can all lead to premature aging of the skin. Using anti aging creams is beneficial for reducing the appearance of wrinkles. The creams are even more effective when combined with regular facials.

Facials and Wrinkle Treatments

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You may have seen an infomercial on television or come across an ad on the internet that claims their product will completely diminish your wrinkles. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If a product really had the capability to get rid of deep wrinkles 100%, you would hear it all over the news and it would probably be on Oprah.

This is not to say that absolutely no wrinkle treatment will ever work. You just need to remember that there is no magic treatment. The best way to have great skin is by preventing. Protect your skin from the sun and take care of it both inside and out. Think about it, what if you had put on SPF 30 sunblock every 2 hours everyday of your life since the day you were born? You would probably look years younger and possibly have not a wrinkle in site!

Now I’m sure you haven’t put on that much sunblock. Chances are since you’re reading this article, you already have wrinkles and aging skin and you are looking for something to help get rid of them. You want to know, do facial wrinkle treatments really work? Some treatments work, some don’t. Some treatments do what they say, some don’t. You want to find the treatments that don’t promise the world and that deliver.

Next to daily SPF, the next best thing you can do for your wrinkles is moisturize. You should use a moisturizer with an SPF of 15 or higher in the morning and use a night cream in the evening. Another important way to keep your skin hydrated is by drinking enough water. You hear it time and again to drink enough water because it’s important and helps so many things.

In addition to washing and moisturizing your face, you can add an occasional peel. A peel removes the dead skins cells from your face and a layer of skin to reveal your most beautiful skin possible. It will give you a glow if you have a quality product. If a peel seems too expensive or harsh, you could use a facial scrub, but you won’t get the same effect. If anything, I would suggest a less frequent peel supplemented by scrubs. Also, don’t go crazy with peels because they are abrasive.

Finally, there are all the “Anti-Aging” products. You can find lotions, serums, toners, and just about anything that claims to diminish wrinkles. Some products work for some people and not others. You really need to do some of your own experimenting. If you have dry skin look for a nice moisturizing anti-aging lotion. Stay away from things you know you are allergic to and keep an eye on ingredients that don’t work before buying another product. Give every product at least a week or two, unless you are reacting badly to it, before you give it up and move on. It takes some time for most products to produce results.

The Benefits of Anti Aging Facial Masks

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Skin wrinkles are caused by two main factors: heredity and the environment. There is little you can do about heredity and the natural aging process, but there is something you can do about the other causes. Pollution in the environment, sun exposure and stress can all lead to premature aging of the skin. Using anti aging creams is beneficial for reducing the appearance of wrinkles. The creams are even more effective when combined with regular facials.

Facials counteract the effects of pollutants and sun exposure on your skin. Having regular facials will also help your skin absorb your anti aging creams better. Monthly facials improve elasticity, give your skin a smoother texture and improve the hydration of your skin. In addition, a facial will help remove dead skin which aids in the absorption of other creams or lotions used to combat wrinkles.

The products used for your facial will depend on your skin type. If you have dry skin, a moisturizing mask will be used to help add moisture to the skin. A rich moisturizer will also be used at the end of the treatment. Oil free products will be used for people with oily skin.

Facials can be done at home or by a professional in a salon or spa. Facial massage is very beneficial for wrinkles. The massage increases the blood circulation to the muscles of the face, which helps to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. There are over one hundred muscles in the face and massage helps to relax these muscles. This is particularly effective for wrinkles that result from muscle contractions, such as laugh lines and worry lines.

If you want to enjoy the benefits of facial massage, visit a salon for your facial. Facial massage is best done by a professional who is knowledgeable in massage techniques. An inexperienced person may actually cause more harm than good. When the muscles are not massaged properly, they sag which can cause wrinkles to be more prominent. The massage is also very relaxing. At some salons and spas, the arms, neck and shoulders are massaged as well. This is great for stress relief.

The basic facial procedure starts by examining the skin. This will help the professional assess the skin and determine the products that will be of the greatest benefit. Steam is then used to open the pores and remove impurities from the skin. A gentle cleanser is then used to clean the skin. This step is followed by a toner that is appropriate for your skin type. A facial mask is used to soothe and refresh the skin as well as to add moisture. At the end of the massage, a moisturizer that is appropriate for your skin type will be applied.

Once you have had your facial, you will want to keep your skin in good condition at home. Use a gentle cleanser that is not drying in the morning and at night. Invest in good quality anti aging creams to minimize wrinkles and prevent new ones from forming. It’s important to choose creams that are good for your skin type and the condition of your skin. Read reviews to help you choose the best products for your skin.

Treatments for Aging Hands

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Because of sun and weather exposure, years of minor scrapes and cuts, and for some, constant exposure to water and detergents, our hands sometimes age faster than other parts of our bodies, and detract from our appearance. Fortunately is it now possible to rejuvenate the hands, restoring their appearance and sometimes also improving the thickness and health of the skin on the backs of the hands.

Fun loving, hard working hands don’t get the sun protection they need. The backs of the hands are sometimes overlooked when sunscreen is applied – or the sunscreen is washed off or accidentally wiped away. Gardening gloves, golf gloves, bike gloves work gloves can help to protect our hands from sun and from trauma.

Daily moisturizing your hands is critical to keep your skin supple and prevent dryness and cracking. Wearing gloves and moisturizing in the cold weather helps protect your hands from chapping and cracking.

For some people, dry cracked hands are a chronic condition called contact dermatitis, or hand eczema. Often caused by your daily routine, one which involves constantly having wet hands (i.e. hairdresser, surgeon, homemaker), this condition results in red, scaly, and very itchy hands. If you suspect your have this, read more at

There are some solutions to rejuvenating the look and feel of your hands:

  • There are numerous special hand creams available, more being introduced almost every week! Creams with vitamins A, C, E and alpha hydroxyl acids are key ingredients which can help prevent and restore your youthful looking hands.
  • Restisol-A® 0.01% cream contains tretinoin (which prevents and corrects some aspects of sun damage) and also has an SPF 15 sunscreen. When Retisol-A cream is applied to exposed areas like the face and the backs of the hands EVERY morning – year after year – the aging process is slowed down, and sometimes after a year or two the skin will actually start to look and feel younger and healthier.
  • Sunscreens which have the ability to stick to the skin (for example, Anthelios-45® Waterproof Sunscreen) can be very helpful on active parts of the body like the hands, and can also act as a moisturizer. The sunscreen should be applied before sun exposure, even if you are using Retisol-A as a base coat for your skin every morning.

When the skin on the back of the hands has become old looking and freckled – and sometimes also thinned out – it is possible to correct these problems and give your hands a fresh, more youthful look:

  • Brown spots (sometimes called freckles, “age spots” or “liver spots”) can be faded using fading creams and also by using the Medlite C6 laser. Treatments take only a few minutes, are well tolerated, and great improvement is usually obvious within a couple of weeks.
  • Thin skin on the backs of the hands can be quickly improved by treatment with Restylane™. This not only improves the appearance of the hands by making veins and bones less obvious, but also restores the fullness found in youthful skin and gives some protection against bumps and bruises. The benefits of a single treatment can be seen immediately and often last 6-12 months, sometimes longer.
  • In some cases Artecoll™ can also be used to improve the thickness of the skin on the backs of the hands. Artecoll™ costs more to use, and several treatment sessions 2-4 months apart may be required, but Artecoll™ has the advantage of producing an improvement which can last for many years.

Like most things, prevention is your best solution. Keep your hands beautiful by remembering to moisturize, use a sunblock and protect your hands from exposure – the same way you look after your face. For more information on cleansers, moisturizers, sunscreens, and general skincare, go to

About the author:
Dr. Kevin Smith is a dermatologist in Niagara Falls, Ontario with a particular interest in protecting the skin and in correcting skin problems resulting from aging, rosacea and sun damage. He is an expert in the use of Botox®, fillers, lasers and intense pulsed light to maintain and enhance the appearance of the skin, and have lectured on those subjects across North America, and in Europe, Asia and Mexico. Read more at

Natural Facial Cleansing

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Most cleansers, makeup, and other beauty products are full of harsh synthetic chemicals that may be harmful to skin. Natural solutions for healthy skin care are better for you, support a cleaner environment and natural techniques work at least as well.

Essential oils are some of nature’s best helpers in almost every aspect of health. Many times more potent than dried herbs, essential oils contain all the healing properties of a plant in a very concentrated form. For this reason, they are best used in tiny amounts and are often diluted for skin care.

Sea salt is the world’s most mineral-rich exfoliant. The minerals in sea water are known to nourish and heal skin. The same minerals can be found in unprocessed, mineral-rich sea salt, and the coarseness of salt makes it a perfect exfoliant. Try the following whole-body sea salt scrub.

– 1 Cup Sea Salt

– 2 Tablespoons Apricot or Almond Oil

– 5-6 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil

1. Put salt in a bowl and add the oils.

2. Mix well.

3. Store in covered container until ready to use.

This recipe is best used in the shower after washing. Rub a small handful of the salt scrub all over your body in brisk circular motions. Afterwards, use a moisturizing anti aging skin care product.

Fatty oils restore skin’s moisture and flexibility. Part of the benefit of the salt scrub recipe is the apricot or almond oil it contains, which leaves a nice glow and moisture in the skin.

Using an oil cleansing method, surprisingly, is a simple and effective way to clean your face. Using olive oil, castor oil, and hot water leaves a lasting glow. Fatty vegetable oils can be used as moisturizers, makeup remover, cleansers if you want to stay all natural.

Quality Skincare

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Many consumers are frustrated by skin care products that don’t do what they claim to. Worse still is investing in an expensive yet ineffective cream or treatment only to discover the cheapest drug-store brand would work just as well. In a world of hyper-consumerism, false advertising and a plethora of products from which to choose, how do you choose the good from the bad?

There are some great products on the market that can genuinely improve your skin’s appearance and help your skin look smoother, more radiant, and youthful. But, there are literally thousands of products to choose from and unless you spend hours a day researching beauty products, it’s difficult to find the one of the few that actually produces real results and eliminates years of aging from your face and body.

Not only should a quality skin product help reduce bags under, and fine lines around, the eyes, but it should even out coloration inconsistencies caused by age spots and other unwanted pigment concentrations.

In a marketing-rich world of super models and glamorous actors, many will understandably spend any amount of money to make themselves look better or younger. Cosmetic surgery and skin care is a multi-billion dollar industry.

As the law of supply and demand proves, the higher the demand for youth and beauty, the more manufacturers will rush to provide the solution. Many times this rush results in the creation of an inferior product with little to no research and development to back it.

All of the money goes into the marketing of the product. On the surface everything looks great. The bottles and jars that the creams come in look appealing. The magazine advertisements are glossy, complete with a youthful looking model or a well known celebrity who doesn’t even really use the products.

You can’t really blame these companies. When you are spending a fortune paying for marketing, whether it be on the product containers, magazine, radio, and TV ads, royalties paid to celebrities and models, you have to charge a lot of money for your products or you’re going to lose money.

On the other hand, this doesn’t mean you and I have to fall for these types of marketing schemes. After all, these companies aren’t going to encounter any shortage of people who will open their wallets and purses to purchase their products anytime soon. The reality is most people simply won’t take any time to research products and understand what ingredients work and what ingredients are actually bad for your skin!