Posts Tagged ‘zinc cream’

Skincare Treatments for Men

Written by Rachelle at Vivoderm on . Posted in Acne, Recent Articles, Skin and Tips

While traditionally overlooked, men’s skincare is now recognized as essential for maintaining healthy, vibrant skin and combating the effects of aging, pollution, and stress. A basic skincare routine tailored to men’s needs can make a significant difference in the appearance and health of their skin.

The steps are simple 1-2-3. Basic skincare starts with cleansing, toning/exfoliating and moisturizing.

The first step in a successful skincare routine for men is cleansing. Men’s skin tends to be oilier and thicker than women’s, making it important to choose a cleanser that effectively removes dirt, oil, and impurities without stripping the skin of its natural oils. A gentle, pH-balanced cleanser is ideal for daily use, helping to prevent breakouts and maintain a clear complexion. The Vivoderm cream cleanser offers exceptional daily cleansing with added moisture that won’t strip skin’s natural protective barrier.

After cleansing, it’s important to exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. Exfoliating also helps to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Men should use a mild exfoliator 2-3 times a week, focusing on areas prone to oiliness or roughness, such as the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin). This can be found in using a toner or an exfoliating mask

Moisturizing is another essential step in a skincare routine for men. Even oily skin needs hydration, so it’s important to choose a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer that won’t clog pores. Moisturizing helps to keep the skin hydrated, smooth, and supple, while also providing a protective barrier against environmental damage.

In addition to these basic steps, men may also benefit from using targeted skincare products, such as serums or treatments, to address specific skin concerns. For example, a vitamin C serum can help to brighten dull skin and reduce dark spots, while a retinol treatment can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Finally, it’s important for men to protect their skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Sunscreen should be applied daily, even on cloudy days or during the winter months, to prevent sun damage and premature aging. Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, and reapply regularly, especially if spending extended periods of time outdoors.

In conclusion, skincare for men is essential for maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin. By following a simple yet effective skincare routine, men can keep their skin looking its best and protect it from the damaging effects of the environment.

Tips to Treat Acne

Men can treat acne using a variety of methods, including over-the-counter products, prescription medications, and lifestyle changes. Here are some effective ways to treat acne in men:

Topical Treatments: Over-the-counter topical treatments containing ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or sulfur can help to unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and kill acne-causing bacteria. These products are available in various forms, such as gels, creams, and spot treatments.

Prescription Medications: For moderate to severe acne, a dermatologist may prescribe topical or oral medications. Topical retinoids, antibiotics, and azelaic acid are commonly prescribed to treat acne. Oral medications such as antibiotics, hormonal therapy, or isotretinoin may be recommended for more severe cases.

Zinc oxide found in the Vivoderm Acne Treatment can be a beneficial ingredient in treating acne due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It helps to reduce redness and irritation, while also helping to control the growth of acne-causing bacteria. When used in skincare products like creams or spot treatments, zinc oxide can help to dry out excess oil, unclog pores, and promote faster healing of acne lesions. It is important to use products containing zinc oxide as directed, as excessive use can lead to skin irritation.

Healthy Lifestyle: A healthy lifestyle can also help manage acne. Eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress can all contribute to clearer skin.

Avoiding Irritants: Men should avoid using harsh skincare products, such as those containing alcohol or fragrances, which can irritate the skin and worsen acne. Shaving carefully with a sharp razor and using a gentle shaving cream can also help prevent irritation.

Professional Treatments: In addition to these methods, men with acne may benefit from professional treatments such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or laser therapy, which can help improve acne and acne scarring.

It’s important for men with acne to be patient, as it can take time to see results from acne treatments. Consistency with a skincare routine and following the advice of a dermatologist can help improve acne and prevent future breakouts.

The Best Ingredients for Rosacea

Written by Rachelle at Vivoderm on . Posted in Acne, Face Masks, Ingredients, Natural Skincare, Recent Articles, Rosacea, Skin and Tips

The Best (& Worst) Ingredients for Rosacea Skin – Complete Guide

One of the key factors for healthy skin is the skin barrier, aka the stratum corneum. This barrier acts as a protective shield by blocking out unwanted substances and preventing moisture loss. However, in rosacea skin, this barrier can be severely compromised.

This is where knowing your skin care ingredients can make a huge difference.

In this article, we’re going to look at the best ingredients for rosacea and how they support not the skin barrier, but the overall health of your skin. In addition, we will briefly dive into ingredients that are generally best to avoid if you have rosacea.


1. Zinc Oxide

Zinc has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that have been shown to help rosacea when used internally and topically.

When it comes to internal use, one study showed that taking 100 mg of zinc sulfate supplements helped to alleviate rosacea symptoms. In addition, the supplements didn’t produce any major side effects, except for mild gastrointestinal upset in 3 of the 25 study participants.

As for topical use, zinc oxide is a good choice for sunscreen because it’s a physical sunscreen, as opposed to a chemical sunscreen which is absorbed into the skin and can cause irritation.

In addition, zinc oxide has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe redness, reduce the size of pores and regulate oil production.

2. Green Tea
Green tea is best known for being antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory. A lot of this is due to EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which is the most abundant – and most studied – antioxidant in green tea.

In fact, research has shown that a cream containing EGCG reduced the number of lesions in people with papulopustular rosacea.

It’s also worth noting that green tea, comes in two forms: standard green tea and matcha (green tea leaves that have been ground into a powder).

Matcha can have up to 3 times more antioxidants. So, whether you’re making your own DIY products or purchasing one, look out for matcha.

3. Hyaluronic Acid, Glycerin and Other Humectants

Humectants are an essential part of a rosacea skin care routine because they attract water and subsequently, increase the skin’s moisture levels.  Some of the main humectants to consider adding to your skin care routine include:  glycerin, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, honey, seaweed, oats,

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C has proven to be an effective topical therapy for rosacea because of its anti-inflammatory effect and ability to protect against free radical damage. But note that the research done on vitamin C and rosacea used ascorbic acid (pure vitamin C). While ascorbic acid is definitely very effective, it can be too harsh for some people.

So, what’s a better alternative? Use a vitamin C derivative. These are gentler on the skin, more stable and they tend to penetrate the skin better. Some examples of these derivatives include:

L-Ascorbic Acid (L-AA).
Ascorbyl Glucoside.
Methylated L-Ascorbic Acid.
Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (MAP).

5. Carrier Oils
Because they’re particularly rich essential fatty acids and antioxidants, carrier oils are a great way to nourish your skin and support delicate rosacea-prone skin.

Furthermore, oils that are rich in the fatty acid, linoleic acid, can be particularly beneficial for rosacea. This is because linoleic acid is an essential component of the skin barrier and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Some of the best plant-based oils to include for rosacea skin care routine are:

Rosehip oil: Rich in linoleic acid, vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) and antioxidants like vitamin E, anthocyanin and polyphenols. Brightens the skin, improves elasticity, and reduces inflammation.
Grapeseed oil: Rich in linoleic acid. Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Packed with antioxidants like tocopherol (vitamin E), resveratrol (which we’ll be discussing later) and quercetin.
Sea buckthorn oil: High in omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. Also a rare plant-based source of palmitoleic acid, an omega 7 fatty acid that has powerful anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties (source).
Jojoba oil: Suitable for oily or acne-prone skin since its composition is so similar to our natural skin sebum. Also has antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Vivoderm Anti Acne Herbal Facial Mask and Bowl
6. Azelaic Acid
This natural compound is commonly found in grains like wheat, barley and rye. When used on the skin, azelaic acid exhibits anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects that are helpful for rosacea or acne-prone skin. More specifically, research shows azelaic acid reduces redness and the number of inflammatory lesions.

It’s worth noting that the research on azelaic acid used a 15% azelaic acid gel and focused on mild to moderate papulopustular rosacea.

7. Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHA)
Unlike alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) provide a gentler form of chemical exfoliation that can be helpful for some rosacea patients.

In particular, BHAs like salicylic acid can improve your skin if you tend to get acne or oily skin.

That said, BHAs can be too strong for some people. As is always the case with rosacea, listen to your skin.

NOTE: a gentler alternative to BHAs is goat milk. Although it is an alpha hydroxy acid – which is usually a no-no for rosacea – there is anecdotal evidence that goat milk can actually be very soothing to sensitive skin.

8. Oats
(Colloidal oats) Oats have traditionally been used to soothe inflamed and irritated skin. The main reason why oats are so helpful for sensitive skin is because they have humectant properties that pull moisture to the skin and increase ceramide levels. These ceramides are fatty compounds that soften the skin and also help lower inflammation. When using oats for rosacea, you can use them in the form of colloidal oats or oat oil.

Colloidal oats are simply oats that have been ground into a fine powder (not to be confused with oat flour). They’re great for DIY face masks!

As for oat oil, it’s packed with antioxidants and fatty acids. Research shows that it repairs the skin barrier, even though it has only a moderate amount of linoleic acid (36 – 46%).

9. Resveratrol
Resveratrol is used internally and topically, because of its protective antioxidant properties and its connection to increasing collagen III.

This specific type of collagen is often damaged by excessively dilated blood vessels. This means those with rosacea can already have compromised collagen III levels.

When you increase type III you encourage fibroblast function. This is significant for the skin because fibroblasts are the cells that produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

Lastly, one particular study showed that topical use of a product containing resveratrol, green tea and caffeine reduces redness.

While it’s not clear exactly how much resveratrol alone reduces redness, the results of this study are promising for anyone with inflamed skin.

10. Rose water (or pure hydrosol)
Rose water is a by-product of the production of rose essential oil. It contains very little essential oils (about 0.05%) which means it’s less likely to irritate the skin.

Overall rosewater helps to:

soothe redness and inflammation.
hydrate the skin.
balance pH.
reduce oiliness.
fight off free radicals (thanks to its antioxidant content.
For rosacea, combining rosewater and glycerin can be particularly soothing and hydrating.

11. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera gel is an incredibly hydrating humectant that also packs in lots of nutrients, including:

  • minerals like zinc, selenium and manganese
  • vitamins C and E
  • B-vitamins
  • antioxidants like beta-carotene

In addition, aloe stimulates fibroblasts (those cells that produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid). It’s no wonder, that this natural ingredient is used for dryness, itching, inflammation and anti-aging!

But that’s not all. Consuming aloe juice is often used in some detoxes. It may help to lower inflammation and promote the elimination of toxins that are contributing to skin issues.

12. Niacinamide
Niacinamide is one of the B vitamins – specifically, one of the two forms of vitamin B3 – that stimulates collagen production, improves cell turnover, and helps smooth the surface of the skin.

In fact, because of its potency, niacinamide is used as an alternative to topical antibiotics that are prescribed for rosacea.

13. Ceramides
Ceramides are found naturally in the outermost layer of the skin. They help regulate moisture loss, protect the skin barrier and prevent the development of skin conditions.

According to various publications, these ceramides are found at lower levels in rosacea-prone skin. This makes the external application of ceramides to your skin crucial.

If this isn’t enough evidence for their relevance with rosacea, a survey of dermatologists unanimously concluded ceramides contribute to successful rosacea therapy.

14. Sulfur
While the use of sulfur for skin conditions goes as far as back ancient Egypt, the first effective (and documented) use of sulfur for rosacea dates back to 1855. These days it’s available commercially in a variety of over-the-counter products and has been shown to reduce inflammatory lesions and perilesional erythema. It is best used for acne-rosacea. Modern sulphur containing formulations for rosacea incorporate 10% sodium sulfacetamide combined with 5% sulphur. The new foam formulations are easier to apply and exude fewer odors. Antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties have been attributed to sulphur.

Despite these positive outcomes, sulfur can cause unwanted side effects such as dryness, itchiness, irritation or temporary redness. (Use with caution).

15. Herbs

Herbs offer bioactive compounds that can benefit rosacea skin in various ways. For example, research shows that licorice root can improve redness and redness when applied twice a day over the course of four weeks (source).

Similarly, feverfew has been identified in clinical studies as an herbal remedy for rosacea. This herb offers UV protection (helping to shield the skin from potentially aggravating UV rays) and has antioxidant properties (source).


In general, it’s best to avoid these ingredients if you have rosacea (1, 2, 3):

Artificial fragrance.
Sodium lauryl sulfate.
Drying alcohols.
Essential oils like eucalyptus and peppermint.
Benzoyl peroxide.
Physical scrubs (such as sugar scrubs).
Lastly, witch hazel is another ingredient that can be troublesome for rosacea. However, it’s worth noting that witch hazel extracts can be extracted either in alcohol or water.

Unfortunately, many skin care companies use the alcohol-extracted form. So, a lot of the irritation that people experience with witch hazel, often comes from the leftover alcohol.

Witch hazel itself is a soothing herb. So, if you’d like to try witch hazel, find one that is extracted in water (and check with your dermatologist before adding it to your routine).


Is retinol good for rosacea?
In certain cases, retinol can help rosacea. But retinol is a potent ingredient and it could cause dryness, plus other forms of irritation.

So, if you decide to add retinol to your rosacea routine, make sure to use it sparingly, especially at the beginning. Also, seek guidance from your dermatologist in terms of what strength of retinol to use and how often.

Is vitamin E good for rosacea?
Vitamin E has various healing properties that could help rosacea. When used topically it reduces dryness and combats oxidative damage. According to anecdotal reports, vitamin E oil may also improve dryness, reduce acne flare ups and lower redness.

Is olive leaf extract good for rosacea?
While there isn’t research specifically on olive leaf and rosacea, olive contains compounds like oleuropein, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. One study showed that olive leaf extract has skin-rejuvenating abilities (source). This might benefit rosacea-prone skin.

In addition, olive leaf supports the immune system and is used as a supplement for candida overgrowth. Some people link rosacea to candida. So, depending on the underlying cause of your rosacea, olive leaf may help.

Is collagen cream good for rosacea?
The evidence indicates collagen cream can have a positive influence on rosacea. Research has shown a strong correlation between collagen and microvessels: when collagen levels decrease, microvessel density and size increase. This can worsen skin that’s already prone to abnormal vascular functioning.

Topically applying collagen could help counteract this tendency, thus improving the skin’s underlying structure and strength.

Is vaseline good for rosacea?
As an occlusive, vaseline prevents water loss. For rosacea, it can be applied onto damp skin to lock in moisture.

While there’s no perfect ingredient or remedy for rosacea, there are many scientifically-backed ingredients that can help and many different types of ingredients that you can add to your skin care routine. You can find MANY of these ingredients in the Vivoderm products, including the Zinc Repairing Facial Cream and the Herbal Facial Acne Mask and Anti-Aging Masks.

Stay Radiant and Young with Natural Anti Aging Skin Care

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If you want to stay youthful and beautiful without the help of botox or surgery, then stick with the basics.  These include: staying out of the sun, eating a balanced diet, giving up alcohol and smoking and moderate exercise.  But, still you may find that your skin needs something extra that you are unable to provide. There are many different anti aging skin care products available to choose from and we know from experience, the options can get overwhelming. With so many trends coming out – acids, peels, peptides, collagen, serums, bio-cosmetics, lasers, micro-needling, etc.  What is popular this month is sometimes found to be harmful the next. antiagingpackage

Signs of aging are natural and inevitable. Unfortunately, if you do not take proper care today, your skin will appear much older by sheer neglect tomorrow.  If you were one of the few youths who lived in a cold climate or stayed indoors quite a bit, then you would now be blessed with fewer wrinkles and age spots. Many others weren’t so lucky.  Countless numbers of baby boomers and Gen-X’ers slathered on the baby oil as we baked in the sun day after day on those long carefree summers.

To combat past damage and prevent future damage, most skin care professionals suggest a basic daily skin regime.  This includes: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and protecting. Weekly exfoliation and facial masks are also suggested to keep skin at it’s most optimal.

  1. Cleanse your skin every morning and before bedtime to reduce dirt and oil buildup. Always remove your makeup each night.
  2. Tone:  Follow up your clean skin with a Ph balanced, acid-free toner to keep your skin it’s in optimal range – not too oily and not too dry.  Spritz or apply with a clean cotton pad.
  3. Moisturize:  Always give your skin that extra bit of hydration to prevent fine lines and wrinkles. (Even oily skin needs a light moisturizer to prevent excess oil production).
  4. Protect:  Apply an SPF or natural sunblock facial moisturizer every day you are planing to be outdoors or in the sun.
    Be sure to include your neck and chest area!

No magic potion will keep you looking young forever.  However, with the daily use of good anti aging skin treatment products you can slow down the process of aging and help keep your skin soft and supple.

That’s why Vivoderm believes in sticking with the basics when it comes to your skincare as well.  Simple, herbal and botanical products with ingredients you can pronounce and recognize are what we strive to create. 100% herbal facial masks made only of pulverized herbs, vitamins and natural acids, facial creams with healing, botanical ingredients and natural emollient oils.

Vivoderm Natural Skincare provides a great anti aging package at an affordable price which includes our Anti -Aging Facial Mask, Intense Moisturizer or Zinc Repairing Facial Cream, Green Tea Toner, Rosemary and Chamomile Cleanser, and our Anti Wrinkle Cream for the eyes. These products have been designed to repair and regenerate skin by renewing, healing and protecting your skin – bringing back lost vitality.  All Vivoderm skincare products are made from natural ingredients that promote skin health. The products are free from chemicals and preservatives and hence are safer for your skin than cheaper drugstore brands.

Try it out for yourself and see the difference!

Uses of Glycerin in Natural Skin Care

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glycerinPopularly referred as glycerol, glycerin is an odorless, sweet tasting liquid which is utilized in different beauty and cosmetic products. It is highly popular because of the different advantages that it can offer for natural skin care. It is obtained from a mix of fat that is obtained from water and vegetable oil.

Glycerin has water-drawing capacity and is non-toxic in character. It draws moisture in the skin and lets it stay nourished and moisturized. It is safe for using in skin care products and used for babies and children. It is a versatile component as it never loses its chemical constancy when combined with other elements.

Glycerin is known for its various advantages that it offers for treating dry skin. It protects chapped skin and aids in creating a smooth skin layer. It draws adequate quantity of moisture that is needed for moisturizing dry skin. This ingredient is used in soaps, creams and body lotions. It is very mild and has no side-effects. It also helps in reducing skin problems like eczema and psoriasis.

Even those with oily skin can use moisturizers or a cleansers containing glycerin without excess drying effects that other products may produce. Glycerin has the capacity to reduce the emergence of fine lines and wrinkles and helps in guarding against bacterial infections. You can use glycerin or products with glycerin on a regular basis to keep skin plump and moisturized.

Many of the Vivoderm facial creams and body creams contain glycerin; including the Cocoa Butter Foot Cream, Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream and Intense Moisturizer among others.  If you are looking for natural products with glycerin that combat acne, try Vivoderm’s Zinc Repairing face cream. It helps to retain the skin’s moisture and reduce the signs of aging thanks to natural sunblock properties that reduces wrinkles and sun damage. Fifteen percent zinc also aids to reduce acne breakouts and heal acne scars.


Written by Rachelle at Vivoderm on . Posted in Products

JULY SPECIALS: 25% Off Zinc Cream, Body Butter and Foot Cream (including bundles)!

Zinc Repairing Facial Cream

Anti-Acne, Sun protection SPF 15

 Protect and heal your skin this summer with our Zinc Repairing Facial Cream, 15% Zinc Oxide to provide your skin with natural sun protection and anti-acne fighters for those hot, oily-skin days.

Our Chamomile Body Butter and Cocoa Butter Foot Cream, will soothe your sun-soaked skin and soften dry, calloused feet for those summer sandals.


young lady applying sunscreen at the beach

Vivoderm Zinc Cream protects delicate facial skin

LNE and Spa’s Best Product for 2015

Written by Rachelle at Vivoderm on . Posted in Recent Articles, Vivoderm Press

LNE_Best_NomineeVIVODERM is nominated again!  Each year, The Les Nouvelle Esthetique & Spa Educational Committee selects four nominees—based on rave reviews from LNE & Spa readers and attendees of The International Congress of Esthetics and Spa—for each of 38 categories to honor outstanding products and equipment in the world of esthetics and spa.

Zinc Repairing Facial Cream

Vivoderm Facial Zinc Cream

Votes start November 7 and will end December 8 at midnight EST (one vote per category per IP address per day).

PLEASE show your support and use the following link to cast your vote for the VIVODERM ZINC REPAIRING FACIAL CREAM in the WELLNESS category:

Vivoderm’s Skin Care – Feel the Goodness of Nature

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Nowadays most people are choosing to go natural for treating their skin. If you want to avoid harsh chemicals, you must choose a skincare brand that helps to clean, replenish and heal at the same time. The best brand for you would be Vivoderm. It believes in harnessing nature’s powers to restore, repair and protect your skin. The natural skin care products are safe for all types of skin.

This reputed herbal skin care brand use nature’s most potent ingredients in their products that help in healing your skin. Our skin absorbs a lot of things that comes it in contact with. All day long it is exposed to a lot of chemicals and pollutants that are harmful for the skin. Hence, it is of utmost importance that you use natural skin care products that would be beneficial for your skin.

Natural Skincare Sample Kit

Vivoderm Sample Kit for $1

Vivoderm offers a wide range of products that you can consider for healing your skin. From their famous 100% herbal anti acne mask to their anti aging kit, there are plenty of products to choose from. Since the Vivoderm line is so rich and effective,  you will be able to save money too.

If you are unsure whether the natural skin care products will work on your skin then you can order for a sample kit for just $1. It is an affordable and convenient way to try out the product line offered by the brand. The kit contains the full line of facial creams – zinc and intense moisturizer, foot and body cream along with a large face mask sample for anti-aging.

You can also buy the products in packages that will work out more reasonable for you. Some of the package deals include the cleanser and toner package, sun damage duo, and anti-wrinkle bundle.

Give your skin the nutrient-rich healing it deserves and avoid the chemicals.

Zinc cream: Effective For Sunburn and Acne

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There are many different kinds of zinc cream available in the market today. Zinc contains an array of benefits that are effective for different skin irritations in children as well as in adults, including diaper rash, acne and sun protection. It is definitely among the best creams that you can possess in the medicine cabinet.

Zinc Oxide creams and anti acne
Protect and heal your skin with Zinc

The first thing that might come to your mind when you are thinking about zinc is a lifeguard sitting at his post with a coating of thick white, zinc oxide cream on his nose or body to protect himself from sunburn. Yes, this may the the old version of zinc you knew, but today’s formulations are lighter, less concentrated and zinc skin care cream is still undoubtedly the best way to prevent sunburn. Many modern dermatologists now believe sunscreen lotions with zinc oxide work better in comparison to the pure chemical sunscreens in blocking the dangerous UV rays of the sun.

You may not know, but zinc cream works wonders for different skin conditions and complications as well. It is extremely useful in treating acne and pimples. It helps in providing you respite from acne breakouts. It reduces inflammation and decreases the excessive oil production. By applying this cream you will be able to take out infectious toxins. It will also enhance skin healing quickly.

You should know how to apply this cream on your skin. Use it generously on your skin. Do not cover the area after application. If you plan on using the cream on young children you must consult a pediatrician. Since zinc is non-toxic and natural, most users  will not have any skin reactions after application.

If you are looking for a trusted zinc facial cream or product then you might want to try Vivoderm’s zinc repairing facial cream. It is a natural water based cream which is infused with Vitamin A and E. It has anti-inflammatory properties of Comfrey and Chamomile. Zinc oxide is required for healing and tissue growth. Their facial treatment also has anti-bacterial agents that help to fight the bacteria which causes acne. So, if you want miraculous results for your acne skin or sun protection, we think you can’t go wrong choosing zinc.

Skin Care For Sunburn with Vivoderm’s Sun Damage Duo

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Ultraviolet radiation from the sun has many harmful effects on the skin health. It can cause sunburn, wrinkles and even skin cancer. Most of the rays get filtered at the ozone layer. However, intense exposure to sun enhances aging and the risk of different diseases related to skin. The sun also contributes rough and dry skin with age spots and deep wrinkles. You will be more affected if your skin is fair to light in coloring. However, you can prevent sunburn to a certain extent with the right skin care products and the right kind of clothes whenever you are out.

Vivoderm sun damage duo
Vivoderm sun damage duo – zinc reparing facial cream and anti wrinkle eye cream

One of the best products that you can use is Vivoderm’s zinc cream. The cream protects against sun damage and replenishes your skin with natural oils. It regulates oil production if used twice daily. It is a natural cream that is infused with Vitamins A and E and anti-inflammatory properties such as Comfrey and Chamomile. The skin care cream is important for healing and tissue growth. It is a natural anti-bacterial agent and antiseptic that also helps to fight acne.

Vivoderm offers a package for individuals looking to deal with sun damage. In this package you will find this cream and an anti-wrinkle eye cream. It repairs skin and moisturizes. It provides moisture to the skin around the eyes. The key component of this cream is beta carotene which helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine line. Other components of this skin care cream are Aloe Vera and Vitamins E and A which stimulates cell renewal.

Stay Sun Protected With Skin Care Products from Vivoderm

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Excessive exposure to sun can lead to skin cancers. Hence, proper sun protection is essential. Most people are not aware of the risks related to the risks of sun exposure and the basic ways by which they can protect themselves from the sun. Exposure to sun can also lead to skin aging. So, if you want to stop the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles then start a skin care regimen today. There are different skin care products that helps in keeping your skin protected from the harmful effects of the sun.

Zinc cream prevents sun damage
Using zinc cream can prevent sun damage

Among the various products you can choose to go for the sun damage duo package offered by Vivoderm. It includes a zinc cream and an anti wrinkle eye care cream. The zinc repairing facial cream helps in protecting your skin from further sun damage whereas the cream for the eyes reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

The zinc repairing facial cream contains 15% natural zinc oxide infused with Vitamin A and E and the anti-inflammatory properties of Comfrey and Chamomile. The product helps to maintain the moisture of the skin while reducing the acne breakouts and visible aging signs. It repairs the skin making it smooth and firm. It regulates oil production and promotes a blemish free complexion.

The anti wrinkle eye cream provides a moisture boost to the soft skin around the eyes. It helps in cell renewal and lessens the appearances of wrinkles and fine lines. The cream is infused with Beta Carotene, vitamins and Aloe Vera that protects your skin and also hydrates it by preventing the appearance of future wrinkles that is caused by sun exposure.

Benefits of Using Zinc Cream

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One of the latest trends in sun protection and skin healing is zinc oxide. You might remember this from the days at the beach, or the local swimming pool with lifegurads who wore white cream on their nose or face to protect them from hours and hours in the sun.  Well, today’s zinc cream has advanced into microscopic particals that are hardly noticable, but still have the same benfits.

Zinc oxide is a powdery white mineral that is used in many cosmetics. The mineral dissolves in acidic environment but is not soluble in water, hence making it an excellent sun block for your skin as a barrier against sweat and perspiration. This is why it is used as one of the primary ingredients in sunscreen lotions. Zinc oxide when applied topically can also have many benefits for the skin along with acting as a natural sun block.

Zinc is a natural sun block
A natural choice for sun protection and acne

One of the many benefits of zinc cream is quick wound healing. It promotes fast healing in treating any type of sores, bug bites or lacerations, surgical incisions, burns, skin ulcers and other skin irritations. As a mineral, usually found in our food and vitamins, Zinc is required by the body for collagen synthesis and is essential for healing wounds. It is also a component for the proper functioning of enzymes which are needed to repair wounds in the skin.

Zinc skin care cream has a mild astringent property which acts as a drying agent. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps in tightening body tissues. Zinc oxide creams aids in soothing itching and skin rashes.

Another benefit that zinc oxide offer is prevention and treatment of acne. The skin cream helps in healing blemishes and reducing inflammation. It helps in regulating the skin’s oil gland and hence stops acne breakouts.

Zinc cream is one of the safest ingredients that are used for protecting the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin and damage the skin tissue. ANY sun rays speed up the aging process of the skin create wrinkles and dark spots.

Sunscreens and moisturizers containing zinc oxide help to filter out the rays and prevent this occurrence of cell damage.

The Vivoderm zinc repairing facial cream can help prevent sun damage, premature wrinkles and inflammation. It is a natural facial cream which is infused with Vitamin A and E. It also contains the anti-inflammatory properties of Comfrey and Chamomile. This cream helps to maintain the moisture level in the skin and diminishes the visible signs of aging. The Zinc oxide present in the cream is essential for healing and tissue growth. It is also used as a sun block and for treating acne.

So, if you are looking for a great overall skin moisturizer with the benefits of sun protection and anti-acne properties, you would most likely benfit from the Vivoderm zinc repairing facial cream.


Natural Skin Care Products From Vivoderm Sample Kit

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Natural skin care products have become highly popular these days. Most brands are now offering products infused with natural elements. Understanding the need of the consumers, many brands have come out in the market with natural products and Vivoderm is no exception. We believe in revitalizing your skin without resorting to chemicals that are found in commercial products. Nature is the best source for skin nourishment and hence the products offered by Vivoderm are all natural and herbal based.

Vivoderm Sample Kit
A great way to try Vivoderm at no expense!

If you are not familiar with the products offered by the brand then you can order a sample kit. This kit contains large size samples in recloseable jars of our an anti aging face mask, an anti wrinkle cream for the eyes, cocoa butter foot cream, zinc repairing facial cream, and chamomile body butter. This is an affordable and convenient way to try out the product line offered by the brand. The sample contains a generous amount which is adequate for 2 applications. These samples are available in a presentation bag which is naturally woven.

 The best part about getting this sample kit is its affordability. It is priced at just a dollar so no matter what your budget, it will not be a problem. By testing the Vivoderm line in this affordable way, you can check out whether they are suitable for your skin. We are certain after trying it you will surely love them as much as we do and want to continue the benefits into the future. If you really love them, pass the word along to your friend!  You can even gift a sample kit to her so that she can also enjoy the benefits of using natural skin care products. Go here to try one now!

Stay Protected With Zinc Cream

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Exposure to sun can cause damage to the skin. Freckles, wrinkles, sunburn are few of the things caused by over exposure to sun rays. Using an effective sunscreen is the best way to offer protection to your skin. However, the best thing for you would be a zinc cream or a sunscreen with zinc oxide that helps in blocking the harmful sun rays.

Zinc Reapairing Facial Cream
Zinc Creams are excellent ways to prevent sun damage

Zinc Oxide offers natural UV protection. It works by absorbing the harmful rays into the sunscreen and prevents any damage to the skin. By providing sun protection it will help you to prevent premature aging. Zinc oxide cream would be great for those who are allergic to other creams containing chemicals. Other effects of this skin care cream are preventing diaper rash and acne.

Most zinc creams or creams containing zinc oxide are non-toxic, so they are safe for children – like diaper cream. Feel free to apply liberally or regularly to prevent sun damage. Most zinc creams also contain a natural SPF of 15 to 30, but some may have a higher concentration for higher protection. You can tell the difference by the thickness of the cream – the higher the zinc amount – the whiter and thicker the cream will be.

If you are looking for a facial zinc repairing cream then nothing can be better than the one offered by Vivoderm. It is a natural skincare brand offering a range of products made from nature’s potent ingredients. This face cream is infused with vitamins, Comfrey, and Chamomile. Zinc is also a natural anti-bacterial and is excellent for reducing acne breakouts. It helps in maintaining skin’s moisture level and aids in reducing the signs of aging (with the SPf factor) and acne. It makes skin smooth and firm by promoting a blemish-free complexion.

Treat Your Sweet to Natural Skincare This Valentines Day

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Vivoderm has recently started holiday promotions and now we are offering 20% off on all single Vivoderm Skincare items from Feb 1 – Feb 14th.  If you haven’t tried Vivoderm yet, or have been watching your wallet, now is a great time to try out an Intense Moisturizer or Anti-Aging Facial Mask you might have had your eye on.

If your special someone loves natural skincare, suprise them this year with a special gift instead of flowers and candy.

Check out the Vivoderm website storefront for details. 🙂

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